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🐆 Tx_rollup_state_repr.v

Translated OCaml

See proofs, Gitlab , OCaml

File generated by coq-of-ocaml
Records for the constructor parameters
Module ConstructorRecords_range.
  Module range.
    Module Interval.
      Record record {oldest newest : Set} : Set := Build {
        oldest : oldest;
        newest : newest;
      Arguments record : clear implicits.
      Definition with_oldest {t_oldest t_newest} oldest
        (r : record t_oldest t_newest) :=
        Build t_oldest t_newest oldest r.(newest).
      Definition with_newest {t_oldest t_newest} newest
        (r : record t_oldest t_newest) :=
        Build t_oldest t_newest r.(oldest) newest.
    End Interval.
    Definition Interval_skeleton := Interval.record.

    Module Empty.
      Record record {next : Set} : Set := Build {
        next : next;
      Arguments record : clear implicits.
      Definition with_next {t_next} next (r : record t_next) :=
        Build t_next next.
    End Empty.
    Definition Empty_skeleton := Empty.record.
  End range.
End ConstructorRecords_range.
Import ConstructorRecords_range.

Reserved Notation "'range.Interval".
Reserved Notation "'range.Empty".

Inductive range : Set :=
| Interval : 'range.Interval range
| Empty : 'range.Empty range

where "'range.Interval" :=
  (range.Interval_skeleton Tx_rollup_level_repr.t Tx_rollup_level_repr.t)
and "'range.Empty" := (range.Empty_skeleton Tx_rollup_level_repr.t).

Module range.
  Include ConstructorRecords_range.range.
  Definition Interval := 'range.Interval.
  Definition Empty := 'range.Empty.
End range.

Definition range_newest (function_parameter : range)
  : option Tx_rollup_level_repr.t :=
  match function_parameter with
  | Interval {| range.Interval.newest := newest |} ⇒ Some newest
  | _None

Definition range_oldest (function_parameter : range)
  : option Tx_rollup_level_repr.t :=
  match function_parameter with
  | Interval {| range.Interval.oldest := oldest |} ⇒ Some oldest
  | _None

Definition extend (function_parameter : range)
  : range × Tx_rollup_level_repr.t :=
  match function_parameter with
  | Empty {| := next |} ⇒
      {| range.Interval.oldest := next; range.Interval.newest := next; |}), next)
    Interval {|
      range.Interval.oldest := oldest; range.Interval.newest := newest |} ⇒
    let newest := Tx_rollup_level_repr.succ newest in
      {| range.Interval.oldest := oldest; range.Interval.newest := newest; |}),

Definition shrink (function_parameter : range) : M? range :=
      match function_parameter with
        Interval {|
          range.Interval.oldest := oldest;
            range.Interval.newest := newest
            |} ⇒ Tx_rollup_level_repr.op_lt oldest newest
      | _false
      end) with
  | (Empty _, _)
      (Build_extensible "Internal_error" string "cannot shrink range")
    (Interval {|
      range.Interval.oldest := oldest; range.Interval.newest := newest |},
        {| range.Interval.oldest := Tx_rollup_level_repr.succ oldest;
          range.Interval.newest := newest; |})
    (Interval {| range.Interval.oldest := _; range.Interval.newest := newest |},
    return? (Empty {| := Tx_rollup_level_repr.succ newest; |})

Definition belongs_to (range_value : range) (level : Tx_rollup_level_repr.level)
  : bool :=
  match range_value with
  | Empty _false
    Interval {|
      range.Interval.oldest := oldest; range.Interval.newest := newest |} ⇒
    (Tx_rollup_level_repr.op_lteq oldest level) &&
    (Tx_rollup_level_repr.op_lteq level newest)

Definition right_cut (range_value : range) (level : Tx_rollup_level_repr.level)
  : M? range :=
  match Tx_rollup_level_repr.pred level with
  | None
    return? (Empty {| := Tx_rollup_level_repr.root_value; |})
  | Some predecessor
        match range_value with
          Interval {|
            range.Interval.oldest := oldest; range.Interval.newest := _ |}
          ⇒ belongs_to range_value level
        | _false
        end) with
      (Interval {|
        range.Interval.oldest := oldest; range.Interval.newest := _ |}, true)
      if Tx_rollup_level_repr.op_lteq oldest predecessor then
            {| range.Interval.oldest := oldest;
              range.Interval.newest := predecessor; |})
        return? (Empty {| := level; |})
    | (_, _)
        (Build_extensible "Internal_error" string "cannot cut range")

Definition left_extend {A : Set}
  (range_value : range) (level : Tx_rollup_level_repr.t)
  : Pervasives.result range A :=
  match range_value with
  | Interval {| range.Interval.oldest := _; range.Interval.newest := newest |}
        {| range.Interval.oldest := level; range.Interval.newest := newest; |})
  | Empty {| := next |} ⇒
    let newest := Option.value_value (Tx_rollup_level_repr.pred next) level in
        {| range.Interval.oldest := level; range.Interval.newest := newest; |})

Definition range_count (function_parameter : range) : int :=
  match function_parameter with
  | Empty _ ⇒ 0
    Interval {|
      range.Interval.oldest := oldest; range.Interval.newest := newest |} ⇒
    Int32.to_int (Int32.succ (Tx_rollup_level_repr.diff_value newest oldest))

Definition range_encoding : Data_encoding.t range :=
  Data_encoding.union None
      Data_encoding.case_value "empty" None (Data_encoding.Tag 0)
          (Data_encoding.req None None "next" Tx_rollup_level_repr.encoding))
        (fun (function_parameter : range) ⇒
          match function_parameter with
          | Empty {| := next |} ⇒ Some next
          | _None
        (fun (next : Tx_rollup_level_repr.level) ⇒
          Empty {| := next; |});
      Data_encoding.case_value "interval" None (Data_encoding.Tag 1)
          (Data_encoding.req None None "newest"
          (Data_encoding.req None None "oldest"
        (fun (function_parameter : range) ⇒
          match function_parameter with
            Interval {|
              range.Interval.oldest := oldest;
                range.Interval.newest := newest
                |} ⇒ Some (newest, oldest)
          | _None
        (fun (function_parameter :
          Tx_rollup_level_repr.level × Tx_rollup_level_repr.level) ⇒
          let '(newest, oldest) := function_parameter in
            {| range.Interval.oldest := oldest;
              range.Interval.newest := newest; |})

Definition pp_range (fmt : Format.formatter) (function_parameter : range)
  : unit :=
  match function_parameter with
  | Empty {| := next |} ⇒
    Format.fprintf fmt
        (CamlinternalFormatBasics.String_literal "next: "
          (CamlinternalFormatBasics.Alpha CamlinternalFormatBasics.End_of_format))
        "next: %a") Tx_rollup_level_repr.pp next
    Interval {|
      range.Interval.oldest := oldest; range.Interval.newest := newest |} ⇒
    Format.fprintf fmt
        (CamlinternalFormatBasics.String_literal "oldest: "
            (CamlinternalFormatBasics.String_literal " newest: "
        "oldest: %a newest: %a") Tx_rollup_level_repr.pp oldest
      Tx_rollup_level_repr.pp newest

Definition watermark : Set := option Tx_rollup_level_repr.t.

Definition is_above_watermark
  (watermark : option Tx_rollup_level_repr.level)
  (level : Tx_rollup_level_repr.level) : bool :=
  match watermark with
  | Some watermarkTx_rollup_level_repr.op_lt watermark level
  | Nonetrue

Definition make_watermark {A : Set} (level : A) : option A := Some level.

The state of a transaction rollup is composed of [burn_per_byte] and [inbox_ema] fields. [initial_state] introduces their initial values. Both values are updated by [update_burn_per_byte] as the rollup progresses.
[burn_per_byte] state the cost of burn per byte to be paid for each byte submitted to a transaction rollup inbox. [inbox_ema] is a key factor to impact the update of [burn_per_byte].
[inbox_ema] is the N-block EMA to react to recent N-inbox size changes. N-block EMA is an exponential moving average (EMA), that is a type of moving average that places a greater weight and significance on the most N data points. The purpose of [inbox_ema] is to get lessened volatility of burn, that is more resistant to spurious spikes of [burn_per_byte].
The state of the transaction rollup also keeps track of four pointers to four different rollup levels. - The [commitment_oldest_level] is the level of the oldest finalized commitment still stored in the layer-1 storage. - The [commitment_newest_level] is the level of the most recent unfinalized commitment in the layer-1 storage. - The [oldest_inbox_level] is the level of the oldest inbox still stored in the layer-1 storage. - The [newest_level] is the level of the most recent inbox in the layer-1 storage.
Module t.
  Record record : Set := Build {
    last_removed_commitment_hashes :
        (Tx_rollup_message_result_hash_repr.t × Tx_rollup_commitment_repr.Hash.t);
    finalized_commitments : range;
    unfinalized_commitments : range;
    uncommitted_inboxes : range;
    commitment_newest_hash : option Tx_rollup_commitment_repr.Hash.t;
    tezos_head_level : option Raw_level_repr.t;
    burn_per_byte : Tez_repr.t;
    inbox_ema : int;
    allocated_storage : Z.t;
    occupied_storage : Z.t;
    commitments_watermark : watermark;
  Definition with_last_removed_commitment_hashes last_removed_commitment_hashes
    (r : record) :=
    Build last_removed_commitment_hashes r.(finalized_commitments)
      r.(unfinalized_commitments) r.(uncommitted_inboxes)
      r.(commitment_newest_hash) r.(tezos_head_level) r.(burn_per_byte)
      r.(inbox_ema) r.(allocated_storage) r.(occupied_storage)
  Definition with_finalized_commitments finalized_commitments (r : record) :=
    Build r.(last_removed_commitment_hashes) finalized_commitments
      r.(unfinalized_commitments) r.(uncommitted_inboxes)
      r.(commitment_newest_hash) r.(tezos_head_level) r.(burn_per_byte)
      r.(inbox_ema) r.(allocated_storage) r.(occupied_storage)
  Definition with_unfinalized_commitments unfinalized_commitments
    (r : record) :=
    Build r.(last_removed_commitment_hashes) r.(finalized_commitments)
      unfinalized_commitments r.(uncommitted_inboxes) r.(commitment_newest_hash)
      r.(tezos_head_level) r.(burn_per_byte) r.(inbox_ema) r.(allocated_storage)
      r.(occupied_storage) r.(commitments_watermark).
  Definition with_uncommitted_inboxes uncommitted_inboxes (r : record) :=
    Build r.(last_removed_commitment_hashes) r.(finalized_commitments)
      r.(unfinalized_commitments) uncommitted_inboxes r.(commitment_newest_hash)
      r.(tezos_head_level) r.(burn_per_byte) r.(inbox_ema) r.(allocated_storage)
      r.(occupied_storage) r.(commitments_watermark).
  Definition with_commitment_newest_hash commitment_newest_hash (r : record) :=
    Build r.(last_removed_commitment_hashes) r.(finalized_commitments)
      r.(unfinalized_commitments) r.(uncommitted_inboxes) commitment_newest_hash
      r.(tezos_head_level) r.(burn_per_byte) r.(inbox_ema) r.(allocated_storage)
      r.(occupied_storage) r.(commitments_watermark).
  Definition with_tezos_head_level tezos_head_level (r : record) :=
    Build r.(last_removed_commitment_hashes) r.(finalized_commitments)
      r.(unfinalized_commitments) r.(uncommitted_inboxes)
      r.(commitment_newest_hash) tezos_head_level r.(burn_per_byte)
      r.(inbox_ema) r.(allocated_storage) r.(occupied_storage)
  Definition with_burn_per_byte burn_per_byte (r : record) :=
    Build r.(last_removed_commitment_hashes) r.(finalized_commitments)
      r.(unfinalized_commitments) r.(uncommitted_inboxes)
      r.(commitment_newest_hash) r.(tezos_head_level) burn_per_byte
      r.(inbox_ema) r.(allocated_storage) r.(occupied_storage)
  Definition with_inbox_ema inbox_ema (r : record) :=
    Build r.(last_removed_commitment_hashes) r.(finalized_commitments)
      r.(unfinalized_commitments) r.(uncommitted_inboxes)
      r.(commitment_newest_hash) r.(tezos_head_level) r.(burn_per_byte)
      inbox_ema r.(allocated_storage) r.(occupied_storage)
  Definition with_allocated_storage allocated_storage (r : record) :=
    Build r.(last_removed_commitment_hashes) r.(finalized_commitments)
      r.(unfinalized_commitments) r.(uncommitted_inboxes)
      r.(commitment_newest_hash) r.(tezos_head_level) r.(burn_per_byte)
      r.(inbox_ema) allocated_storage r.(occupied_storage)
  Definition with_occupied_storage occupied_storage (r : record) :=
    Build r.(last_removed_commitment_hashes) r.(finalized_commitments)
      r.(unfinalized_commitments) r.(uncommitted_inboxes)
      r.(commitment_newest_hash) r.(tezos_head_level) r.(burn_per_byte)
      r.(inbox_ema) r.(allocated_storage) occupied_storage
  Definition with_commitments_watermark commitments_watermark (r : record) :=
    Build r.(last_removed_commitment_hashes) r.(finalized_commitments)
      r.(unfinalized_commitments) r.(uncommitted_inboxes)
      r.(commitment_newest_hash) r.(tezos_head_level) r.(burn_per_byte)
      r.(inbox_ema) r.(allocated_storage) r.(occupied_storage)
End t.
Definition t := t.record.

Definition initial_state (pre_allocated_storage : Z.t) : t :=
  {| t.last_removed_commitment_hashes := None;
    t.finalized_commitments :=
      Empty {| := Tx_rollup_level_repr.root_value; |};
    t.unfinalized_commitments :=
      Empty {| := Tx_rollup_level_repr.root_value; |};
    t.uncommitted_inboxes :=
      Empty {| := Tx_rollup_level_repr.root_value; |};
    t.commitment_newest_hash := None; t.tezos_head_level := None;
    t.burn_per_byte :=; t.inbox_ema := 0;
    t.allocated_storage := pre_allocated_storage; t.occupied_storage :=;
    t.commitments_watermark := None; |}.

Definition encoding : Data_encoding.t t :=
    (fun (function_parameter : t) ⇒
      let '{|
        t.last_removed_commitment_hashes := last_removed_commitment_hashes;
          t.finalized_commitments := finalized_commitments;
          t.unfinalized_commitments := unfinalized_commitments;
          t.uncommitted_inboxes := uncommitted_inboxes;
          t.commitment_newest_hash := commitment_newest_hash;
          t.tezos_head_level := tezos_head_level;
          t.burn_per_byte := burn_per_byte;
          t.inbox_ema := inbox_ema;
          t.allocated_storage := allocated_storage;
          t.occupied_storage := occupied_storage;
          t.commitments_watermark := commitments_watermark
          |} := function_parameter in
      ((last_removed_commitment_hashes, finalized_commitments,
        unfinalized_commitments, uncommitted_inboxes, commitment_newest_hash,
        tezos_head_level, burn_per_byte, allocated_storage, occupied_storage,
        inbox_ema), commitments_watermark))
    (fun (function_parameter :
        (Tx_rollup_message_result_hash_repr.t × Tx_rollup_commitment_repr.Hash.t)
        × range × range × range × option Tx_rollup_commitment_repr.Hash.t ×
        option Raw_level_repr.t × Tez_repr.t × Z.t × Z.t × int) × watermark) ⇒
        '((last_removed_commitment_hashes, finalized_commitments,
          unfinalized_commitments, uncommitted_inboxes, commitment_newest_hash,
          tezos_head_level, burn_per_byte, allocated_storage, occupied_storage,
          inbox_ema), commitments_watermark) := function_parameter in
      {| t.last_removed_commitment_hashes := last_removed_commitment_hashes;
        t.finalized_commitments := finalized_commitments;
        t.unfinalized_commitments := unfinalized_commitments;
        t.uncommitted_inboxes := uncommitted_inboxes;
        t.commitment_newest_hash := commitment_newest_hash;
        t.tezos_head_level := tezos_head_level;
        t.burn_per_byte := burn_per_byte; t.inbox_ema := inbox_ema;
        t.allocated_storage := allocated_storage;
        t.occupied_storage := occupied_storage;
        t.commitments_watermark := commitments_watermark; |}) None
        (Data_encoding.req None None "last_removed_commitment_hashes"
              (Data_encoding.req None None "last_message_hash"
              (Data_encoding.req None None "commitment_hash"
        (Data_encoding.req None None "finalized_commitments" range_encoding)
        (Data_encoding.req None None "unfinalized_commitments" range_encoding)
        (Data_encoding.req None None "uncommitted_inboxes" range_encoding)
        (Data_encoding.req None None "commitment_newest_hash"
          (Data_encoding.option_value Tx_rollup_commitment_repr.Hash.encoding))
        (Data_encoding.req None None "tezos_head_level"
          (Data_encoding.option_value Raw_level_repr.encoding))
        (Data_encoding.req None None "burn_per_byte" Tez_repr.encoding)
        (Data_encoding.req None None "allocated_storage" Data_encoding.n_value)
        (Data_encoding.req None None "occupied_storage" Data_encoding.n_value)
        (Data_encoding.req None None "inbox_ema" Data_encoding.int31))
        (Data_encoding.req None None "commitments_watermark"
          (Data_encoding.option_value Tx_rollup_level_repr.encoding)))).

Definition pp (fmt : Format.formatter) (function_parameter : t) : unit :=
  let '{|
    t.last_removed_commitment_hashes := last_removed_commitment_hashes;
      t.finalized_commitments := finalized_commitments;
      t.unfinalized_commitments := unfinalized_commitments;
      t.uncommitted_inboxes := uncommitted_inboxes;
      t.commitment_newest_hash := commitment_newest_hash;
      t.tezos_head_level := tezos_head_level;
      t.burn_per_byte := burn_per_byte;
      t.inbox_ema := inbox_ema;
      t.allocated_storage := allocated_storage;
      t.occupied_storage := occupied_storage;
      t.commitments_watermark := commitments_watermark
      |} := function_parameter in
  Format.fprintf fmt
      (CamlinternalFormatBasics.String_literal "cost_per_byte: "
          (CamlinternalFormatBasics.String_literal " inbox_ema: "
            (CamlinternalFormatBasics.Int CamlinternalFormatBasics.Int_d
                " finalized_commitments: "
                    " unfinalized_commitments: "
                        " uncommitted_inboxes: "
                            " commitment_newest_hash: "
                                " tezos_head_level: "
                                    " last_removed_commitment_hashes: "
                                        " allocated_storage: "
                                            " occupied_storage: "
                                                " commitments_watermark: "
      "cost_per_byte: %a inbox_ema: %d finalized_commitments: %a unfinalized_commitments: %a uncommitted_inboxes: %a commitment_newest_hash: %a tezos_head_level: %a last_removed_commitment_hashes: %a allocated_storage: %a occupied_storage: %a commitments_watermark: %a")
    Tez_repr.pp burn_per_byte inbox_ema pp_range finalized_commitments pp_range
    unfinalized_commitments pp_range uncommitted_inboxes
    (Format.pp_print_option None Tx_rollup_commitment_repr.Hash.pp)
    commitment_newest_hash (Format.pp_print_option None Raw_level_repr.pp)
    (Format.pp_print_option None
      (fun (fmt : Format.formatter) ⇒
        fun (function_parameter :
          Tx_rollup_message_result_hash_repr.t ×
            Tx_rollup_commitment_repr.Hash.t) ⇒
          let '(m_value, c_value) := function_parameter in
          Format.fprintf fmt
              (CamlinternalFormatBasics.String_literal "(message result: "
                  (CamlinternalFormatBasics.String_literal ", commitment: "
                      (CamlinternalFormatBasics.Char_literal ")" % char
              "(message result: %a, commitment: %a)")
            Tx_rollup_message_result_hash_repr.pp m_value
            Tx_rollup_commitment_repr.Hash.pp c_value))
    last_removed_commitment_hashes Z.pp_print allocated_storage Z.pp_print
    occupied_storage (Format.pp_print_option None Tx_rollup_level_repr.pp)

Definition adjust_storage_allocation (state_value : t) (delta : Z.t)
  : M? (t × Z.t) :=
  if Z.equal delta then
    return? (state_value,
    let occupied_storage' := state_value.(t.occupied_storage) +Z delta in
    if occupied_storage' <Z then
        (Build_extensible "Internal_error" string
          "Storage size should be positive after occupied space is freed.")
      let diff_value := occupied_storage' -Z state_value.(t.allocated_storage)
      if diff_value >Z then
        let state_value :=
          t.with_occupied_storage occupied_storage'
            (t.with_allocated_storage occupied_storage' state_value) in
        return? (state_value, diff_value)
        let state_value := t.with_occupied_storage occupied_storage' state_value
        return? (state_value,

Definition update_burn_per_byte_helper (function_parameter : t)
  : int int int t :=
    '{| t.burn_per_byte := burn_per_byte; t.inbox_ema := inbox_ema |} as
      state_value := function_parameter in
  fun (factor : int) ⇒
    fun (final_size : int) ⇒
      fun (hard_limit : int) ⇒
        let threshold_increase := 90 in
        let threshold_decrease := 80 in
        let variation_factor := 5 in
        let smoothing := 2 in
        let inbox_ema :=
          inbox_ema +i
          (((final_size -i inbox_ema) ×i smoothing) /i (1 +i factor)) in
        let percentage := (inbox_ema ×i 100) /i hard_limit in
        let computation :=
            (threshold_decrease <i percentage) &&
            (percentage i threshold_increase)
            return? burn_per_byte
            let? variation :=
              let? x_value :=
                Tez_repr.op_starquestion burn_per_byte variation_factor in
              Tez_repr.op_divquestion x_value 100 in
            let variation :=
              if Tez_repr.op_eq variation then
                variation in
            if threshold_increase <i percentage then
              Tez_repr.op_plusquestion burn_per_byte variation
                (percentage <i threshold_decrease) &&
                (Tez_repr.op_lt burn_per_byte)
                Tez_repr.op_minusquestion burn_per_byte variation
                return? burn_per_byte in
        match computation with
        | Pervasives.Ok burn_per_byte
          t.with_inbox_ema inbox_ema
            (t.with_burn_per_byte burn_per_byte state_value)
        | Pervasives.Error _
          t.with_inbox_ema inbox_ema
            (t.with_burn_per_byte Tez_repr.max_mutez state_value)

Fixpoint update_burn_per_byte
  (state_value : t) (elapsed : int) (factor : int) (final_size : int)
  (hard_limit : int) {struct elapsed} : t :=
  if elapsed >i factor then
    t.with_inbox_ema 0 (t.with_burn_per_byte state_value)
    if elapsed i 0 then
      update_burn_per_byte_helper state_value factor final_size hard_limit
      let state' := update_burn_per_byte_helper state_value factor 0 hard_limit
      let elapsed := elapsed -i 1 in
      update_burn_per_byte state' elapsed factor final_size hard_limit.

Definition has_valid_commitment_at (function_parameter : t)
  : Tx_rollup_level_repr.level bool :=
  let '{|
    t.finalized_commitments := finalized_commitments;
      t.unfinalized_commitments := unfinalized_commitments
      |} := function_parameter in
  fun (level : Tx_rollup_level_repr.level) ⇒
    (belongs_to finalized_commitments level) ||
    (belongs_to unfinalized_commitments level).

Definition inboxes_count (function_parameter : t) : int :=
  let '{|
    t.unfinalized_commitments := unfinalized_commitments;
      t.uncommitted_inboxes := uncommitted_inboxes
      |} := function_parameter in
  (range_count unfinalized_commitments) +i (range_count uncommitted_inboxes).

Definition uncommitted_inboxes_count (function_parameter : t) : int :=
  let '{| t.uncommitted_inboxes := uncommitted_inboxes |} := function_parameter
  range_count uncommitted_inboxes.

Definition commitments_count (function_parameter : t) : int :=
  let '{|
    t.finalized_commitments := finalized_commitments;
      t.unfinalized_commitments := unfinalized_commitments
      |} := function_parameter in
  (range_count unfinalized_commitments) +i (range_count finalized_commitments).

Definition record_inbox_creation
  (t_value : t) (level : Raw_level_repr.raw_level)
  : M? (t × Tx_rollup_level_repr.t × Z.t) :=
  let? '_ :=
    match t_value.(t.tezos_head_level) with
    | Some tezos_lvl
      Error_monad.error_when (Raw_level_repr.op_lteq level tezos_lvl)
        (Build_extensible "Internal_error" string
          "Trying to create an inbox in the past")
    | Nonereturn? tt
    end in
  let '(uncommitted_inboxes, new_level) :=
    extend t_value.(t.uncommitted_inboxes) in
  let? '(t_value, diff_value) :=
    adjust_storage_allocation t_value Tx_rollup_inbox_repr.size_value in
    ((t.with_tezos_head_level (Some level)
      (t.with_uncommitted_inboxes uncommitted_inboxes t_value)), new_level,

Definition next_commitment_predecessor (state_value : t)
  : option Tx_rollup_commitment_repr.Hash.t :=

Definition finalized_commitment_oldest_level (state_value : t)
  : option Tx_rollup_level_repr.t :=
  range_oldest state_value.(t.finalized_commitments).

Definition next_commitment_level
  (state_value : t) (current_level : Raw_level_repr.raw_level)
  : M? Tx_rollup_level_repr.t :=
    ((range_oldest state_value.(t.uncommitted_inboxes)),
      (range_newest state_value.(t.uncommitted_inboxes))) with
  | (Some oldest_level, Some newest_level)
    if Tx_rollup_level_repr.op_lt oldest_level newest_level then
      return? oldest_level
      match state_value.(t.tezos_head_level) with
      | Some newest_inbox_creation
        let? '_ :=
            (Raw_level_repr.op_lteq current_level newest_inbox_creation)
            (Build_extensible "No_uncommitted_inbox" unit tt) in
        return? oldest_level
      | None
          (Build_extensible "Internal_error" string
            "tezos_head_level was not properly set")
  | (None, None)
    Error_monad.error_value (Build_extensible "No_uncommitted_inbox" unit tt)
  | ((Some _, None) | (None, Some _)) ⇒
      (Build_extensible "Internal_error" string "rollup state is inconsistent")

Definition next_commitment_to_finalize (state_value : t)
  : option Tx_rollup_level_repr.t :=
  range_oldest state_value.(t.unfinalized_commitments).

Definition next_commitment_to_remove (state_value : t)
  : option Tx_rollup_level_repr.t :=
  range_oldest state_value.(t.finalized_commitments).

Definition record_inbox_deletion
  (state_value : t) (candidate : Tx_rollup_level_repr.level) : M? t :=
    ((range_oldest state_value.(t.unfinalized_commitments)),
      match range_oldest state_value.(t.unfinalized_commitments) with
      | Some levelTx_rollup_level_repr.op_eq candidate level
      | _false
      end) with
  | (Some level, true)
    let? unfinalized_commitments :=
      shrink state_value.(t.unfinalized_commitments) in
    let '(finalized_commitments, _) :=
      extend state_value.(t.finalized_commitments) in
      (t.with_unfinalized_commitments unfinalized_commitments
        (t.with_finalized_commitments finalized_commitments state_value))
  | (_, _)
      (Build_extensible "Internal_error" string
        "Trying to delete the wrong inbox")

Definition record_commitment_creation
  (state_value : t) (level : Tx_rollup_level_repr.level)
  (hash_value : Tx_rollup_commitment_repr.Hash.t) : M? t :=
  match range_oldest state_value.(t.uncommitted_inboxes) with
  | Some oldest
    let? '_ :=
      Error_monad.error_unless (Tx_rollup_level_repr.op_eq level oldest)
        (Build_extensible "Internal_error" string
          "Trying to create the wrong commitment") in
    let? uncommitted_inboxes := shrink state_value.(t.uncommitted_inboxes) in
    let '(unfinalized_commitments, _) :=
      extend state_value.(t.unfinalized_commitments) in
    let state_value :=
      t.with_commitment_newest_hash (Some hash_value)
        (t.with_uncommitted_inboxes uncommitted_inboxes
          (t.with_unfinalized_commitments unfinalized_commitments state_value))
    if is_above_watermark state_value.(t.commitments_watermark) level then
      let? '(state_value, _) :=
        adjust_storage_allocation state_value
          (Z.neg Tx_rollup_inbox_repr.size_value) in
      return? (t.with_commitments_watermark (make_watermark level) state_value)
      return? state_value
  | None
      (Build_extensible "Internal_error" string
        "Cannot create a commitment due to lack of inbox")

Definition record_commitment_rejection
  (state_value : t) (level : Tx_rollup_level_repr.t)
  (predecessor_hash : option Tx_rollup_commitment_repr.Hash.t) : M? t :=
  let unwrap_option {A : Set} (msg : string) (function_parameter : option A)
    : M? A :=
    match function_parameter with
    | Some x_valuereturn? x_value
    | _
      Error_monad.error_value (Build_extensible "Internal_error" string msg)
    end in
  let check_none {A : Set} (msg : string) (function_parameter : option A)
    : M? unit :=
    match function_parameter with
    | Nonereturn? tt
    | Some _
      Error_monad.error_value (Build_extensible "Internal_error" string msg)
    end in
  let? uncommitted_inboxes :=
    left_extend state_value.(t.uncommitted_inboxes) level in
  let state_value := t.with_uncommitted_inboxes uncommitted_inboxes state_value
  let? unfinalized_commitments :=
    right_cut state_value.(t.unfinalized_commitments) level in
    ((Tx_rollup_level_repr.pred level),
      match Tx_rollup_level_repr.pred level with
      | Some pred_level
        (belongs_to state_value.(t.unfinalized_commitments) pred_level) ||
        (belongs_to state_value.(t.finalized_commitments) pred_level)
      | _false
      end) with
  | (Some pred_level, true)
    let? predecessor_hash :=
      unwrap_option "Missing predecessor commitment" predecessor_hash in
      (t.with_commitment_newest_hash (Some predecessor_hash)
        (t.with_unfinalized_commitments unfinalized_commitments state_value))
  | (Some _, _)
    let? '_ := check_none "Unexpected predecessor hash" predecessor_hash in
    let? '(_, pred_hash) :=
      unwrap_option "Missing commitment hash"
        state_value.(t.last_removed_commitment_hashes) in
      (t.with_commitment_newest_hash (Some pred_hash)
        (t.with_unfinalized_commitments unfinalized_commitments state_value))
  | (None, _)
      (t.with_commitment_newest_hash None
        (t.with_unfinalized_commitments unfinalized_commitments state_value))

Definition record_commitment_deletion
  (state_value : t) (level : Tx_rollup_level_repr.level)
  (hash_value : Tx_rollup_commitment_repr.Hash.t)
  (message_hash : Tx_rollup_message_result_hash_repr.t) : M? t :=
    ((range_oldest state_value.(t.finalized_commitments)),
      match range_oldest state_value.(t.finalized_commitments) with
      | Some oldestTx_rollup_level_repr.op_eq level oldest
      | _false
      end) with
  | (Some oldest, true)
    let? finalized_commitments := shrink state_value.(t.finalized_commitments)
      (t.with_finalized_commitments finalized_commitments
        (t.with_last_removed_commitment_hashes (Some (message_hash, hash_value))
  | (_, _)
      (Build_extensible "Internal_error" string
        "Trying to remove an incorrect commitment")

Definition burn_cost
  (limit : option Tez_repr.t) (state_value : t) (size_value : int)
  : M? Tez_repr.t :=
  let? burn :=
    Tez_repr.op_starquestion state_value.(t.burn_per_byte)
      (Int64.of_int size_value) in
      match limit with
      | Some limitTez_repr.op_gteq limit burn
      | _false
      end) with
  | (Some limit, true)
      (Build_extensible "Submit_batch_burn_exceeded"
        {| Tx_rollup_errors_repr.Submit_batch_burn_exceeded.burn := burn;
          Tx_rollup_errors_repr.Submit_batch_burn_exceeded.limit := limit; |})
  | (_, _)return? burn

Definition finalized_commitments_range (state_value : t)
  : option (Tx_rollup_level_repr.t × Tx_rollup_level_repr.t) :=
    ((range_oldest state_value.(t.finalized_commitments)),
      (range_newest state_value.(t.finalized_commitments))) with
  | (Some oldest, Some newest)Some (oldest, newest)
  | _None

Definition check_level_can_be_rejected
  (state_value : t) (level : Tx_rollup_level_repr.level) : M? unit :=
    ((range_oldest state_value.(t.unfinalized_commitments)),
      (range_newest state_value.(t.unfinalized_commitments))) with
  | (Some oldest, Some newest)
      ((Tx_rollup_level_repr.op_lteq oldest level) &&
      (Tx_rollup_level_repr.op_lteq level newest))
      (Build_extensible "Cannot_reject_level"
        {| Tx_rollup_errors_repr.Cannot_reject_level.provided := level;
          Tx_rollup_errors_repr.Cannot_reject_level.accepted_range :=
            Some (oldest, newest); |})
  | _
      (Build_extensible "Cannot_reject_level"
        {| Tx_rollup_errors_repr.Cannot_reject_level.provided := level;
          Tx_rollup_errors_repr.Cannot_reject_level.accepted_range := None; |})

Definition last_removed_commitment_hashes (state_value : t)
  : option
    (Tx_rollup_message_result_hash_repr.t × Tx_rollup_commitment_repr.Hash.t) :=

Definition head_levels (state_value : t)
  : option (Tx_rollup_level_repr.level × Raw_level_repr.t) :=
  match (state_value.(t.uncommitted_inboxes), state_value.(t.tezos_head_level))
  | (Empty {| := l_value |}, Some tz_level)
      (fun (l_value : Tx_rollup_level_repr.level) ⇒ (l_value, tz_level))
      (Tx_rollup_level_repr.pred l_value)
  | (Interval {| range.Interval.newest := newest |}, Some tz_level)
    Some (newest, tz_level)
  | _None