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🍬 Script_map.v

Translated OCaml

See proofs, Gitlab , OCaml

File generated by coq-of-ocaml
Require Import CoqOfOCaml.CoqOfOCaml.
Require Import CoqOfOCaml.Settings.

Require Import TezosOfOCaml.Environment.V8.
Require TezosOfOCaml.Proto_alpha.Gas_comparable_input_size.
Require TezosOfOCaml.Proto_alpha.Script_comparable.
Require TezosOfOCaml.Proto_alpha.Script_int.
Require TezosOfOCaml.Proto_alpha.Script_typed_ir.

Definition make {A B : Set}
  (x_value :
    {OPS_t : Set Set @
      Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map (key := A) (value := B)
        (OPS_t := OPS_t)}) : A B :=
  Script_typed_ir.Map_tag x_value.

Definition get_module {A B : Set} (function_parameter : A B)
  : {OPS_t : Set Set @
    Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map (key := A) (value := B)
      (OPS_t := OPS_t)} :=
  let 'Script_typed_ir.Map_tag x_value := function_parameter in

Definition empty_from {a b c : Set}
  (function_parameter : a b) : a c :=
  let 'Script_typed_ir.Map_tag Box := function_parameter in
  let 'existS _ _ Box := Box in
    (existS (A := Set Set) _ _
      (let key : Set := a in
      let value : Set := c in
      let OPS := Box.(Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.OPS) in
      let boxed {D : Set}
        : Box.(Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.OPS).(Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map_OPS.t)
          D :=
        OPS.(Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map_OPS.empty) in
      let size_value := 0 in
      let boxed_map_tag := tt in
        Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.OPS := OPS;
        Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.boxed := boxed;
        Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.size_value := size_value;
        Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.boxed_map_tag := boxed_map_tag

Definition empty {a b : Set} (ty_value : Script_typed_ir.comparable_ty)
  : a b :=
  let OPS :=
    let key_size := Gas_comparable_input_size.size_of_comparable_value ty_value
    let Map :=
        (let t : Set := a in
        let compare := Script_comparable.compare_comparable ty_value in
 := compare
        |}) in
    let t (a : Set) : Set := Map.(Map.S.t) a in
    let key : Set := a in
    let empty {C : Set} : Map.(Map.S.t) C :=
      Map.(Map.S.empty) in
    let add {C : Set} : a C Map.(Map.S.t) C Map.(Map.S.t) C :=
      Map.(Map.S.add) in
    let remove {C : Set} : a Map.(Map.S.t) C Map.(Map.S.t) C :=
      Map.(Map.S.remove) in
    let find {C : Set} : a Map.(Map.S.t) C option C :=
      Map.(Map.S.find) in
    let fold {C D : Set} : (a C D D) Map.(Map.S.t) C D D :=
      Map.(Map.S.fold) in
    let fold_es {C D E : Set}
      : (a C D Pervasives.result D E) Map.(Map.S.t) C D
      Pervasives.result D E :=
      Map.(Map.S.fold_es) in
      Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map_OPS.key_size := key_size;
      Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map_OPS.empty _ := empty;
      Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map_OPS.add _ := add;
      Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map_OPS.remove _ := remove;
      Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map_OPS.find _ := find;
      Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map_OPS.fold _ _ := fold;
      Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map_OPS.fold_es _ _ := fold_es
    |} in
    (existS (A := Set Set) _ _
      (let key : Set := a in
      let value : Set := b in
      let OPS := OPS in
      let boxed {C : Set} : OPS.(Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map_OPS.t) C :=
        OPS.(Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map_OPS.empty) in
      let size_value := 0 in
      let boxed_map_tag := tt in
        Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.OPS := OPS;
        Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.boxed := boxed;
        Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.size_value := size_value;
        Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.boxed_map_tag := boxed_map_tag

Definition get {key value : Set}
  (k_value : key) (function_parameter : key value)
  : option value :=
  let 'Script_typed_ir.Map_tag Box := function_parameter in
  let 'existS _ _ Box := Box in
    k_value Box.(Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.boxed).

Definition update {a b : Set}
  (k_value : a) (v_value : option b)
  (function_parameter : a b) : a b :=
  let 'Script_typed_ir.Map_tag Box := function_parameter in
  let 'existS _ _ Box := Box in
  let '(boxed, size_value) :=
    let contains :=
          k_value Box.(Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.boxed) with
      | Nonefalse
      | _true
      end in
    match v_value with
    | Some v_value
        k_value v_value Box.(Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.boxed)),
        (Box.(Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.size_value) +i
        (if contains then
    | None
        k_value Box.(Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.boxed)),
        (Box.(Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.size_value) -i
        (if contains then
    end in
    (existS (A := Set Set) _ _
      (let key : Set := a in
      let value : Set := b in
      let OPS := Box.(Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.OPS) in
      let boxed_map_tag := tt in
        Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.OPS := OPS;
        Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.boxed := boxed;
        Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.size_value := size_value;
        Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.boxed_map_tag := boxed_map_tag

Definition mem {key value : Set}
  (k_value : key) (function_parameter : key value) : bool :=
  let 'Script_typed_ir.Map_tag Box := function_parameter in
  let 'existS _ _ Box := Box in
      k_value Box.(Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.boxed) with
  | Nonefalse
  | _true

Definition fold {key value acc : Set}
  (f_value : key value acc acc)
  (function_parameter : key value) : acc acc :=
  let 'Script_typed_ir.Map_tag Box := function_parameter in
  let 'existS _ _ Box := Box in
    f_value Box.(Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.boxed).

Definition fold_es {key value acc : Set}
  (f_value : key value acc M? acc)
  (function_parameter : key value) : acc M? acc :=
  let 'Script_typed_ir.Map_tag Box := function_parameter in
  let 'existS _ _ Box := Box in
    f_value Box.(Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.boxed).

Definition size_value {key value : Set}
  (function_parameter : key value) : Script_int.num :=
  let 'Script_typed_ir.Map_tag Box := function_parameter in
  let 'existS _ _ Box := Box in
  Script_int.abs (Script_int.of_int Box.(Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.size_value)).

Definition map_es_in_context {context key value value' : Set}
  (f_value : context key value M? (value' × context)) (ctxt : context)
  (function_parameter : key value)
  : M? ( key value' × context) :=
  let 'Script_typed_ir.Map_tag Box := function_parameter in
  let 'existS _ _ Box := Box in
  let? '(map, ctxt) :=
      (fun (key_value : key) ⇒
        fun (value_value : value) ⇒
          fun (function_parameter :
              value' × context) ⇒
            let '(map, ctxt) := function_parameter in
            let? '(value_value, ctxt) := f_value ctxt key_value value_value in
                key_value value_value map), ctxt))
        ctxt) in
      (existS (A := Set Set) _ _
        (let key : Set := key in
        let value : Set := value' in
        let OPS := Box.(Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.OPS) in
        let boxed := map in
        let size_value := Box.(Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.size_value) in
        let boxed_map_tag := tt in
          Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.OPS := OPS;
          Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.boxed := boxed;
          Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.size_value := size_value;
          Script_typed_ir.Boxed_map.boxed_map_tag := boxed_map_tag
        |}))), ctxt).