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🎫 Ticket_costs.v


See code, Gitlab , OCaml

The value [cost_collect_tickets_step] is valid.
  Lemma cost_collect_tickets_step_is_valid :

The function [cost_has_tickets_of_ty] is valid.
The value [cost_compare_ticket_hash] is valid.
The value [cost_compare_key_contract] is valid.
The function [consume_gas_steps] is valid.
The function [has_tickets_of_ty_cost] is valid.
@TODO : prove the lemma. Old proof with simulations.
  (* unfold Ticket_costs.has_tickets_of_ty_cost.
  apply Constants.cost_has_tickets_of_ty_is_valid. *)


The function [negate_cost] is valid.
The function [add_int_cost] is valid.
The function [add_z_cost] is valid.