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🌱 Seed_storage.v


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Access the [Storage.Cycle.Seed] substore in the simulated context [sim_ctxt]
Tactic to solve [Cycle_repr.add] cases
#[local] Ltac solve_cycle_repr_add :=
  apply Cycle_repr.add_is_valid;
    destruct_by_type (Raw_context.Valid.simulation _);
    destruct_by_type (Raw_context.config.Valid.simulation _);
    destruct_by_type (Constants_parametric_repr.Valid.t _);
    unfold Constants_storage.preserved_cycles in *; cbn in *; lia.

(* @TODO *)
[purge_nonces_and_get_unrevealed] is valid as long its inputs are valid
Lemma purge_nonces_and_get_unrevealed_is_valid
  (ctxt : Proto_alpha.Raw_context.t) (cycle : Cycle_repr.t) :
  Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt
  Cycle_repr.Valid.t cycle
  letP? '(ctxt, _) :=
    Seed_storage.purge_nonces_and_get_unrevealed ctxt cycle in
  Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt.
  intros H_valid_ctxt H_valid_cycle.
  unfold Seed_storage.purge_nonces_and_get_unrevealed.
  eapply Error.split_letP.
  { apply Level_storage.levels_with_commitments_in_cycle_is_valid;
      [hauto l:on|assumption].
  { intros.
    (* @TODO verify the fold_left here *) admit.

(* @TODO *)
[compute_randao] is valid if the key [current_cycle + preserved_cycles + 1] exists in the substore
Lemma compute_randao_is_valid (ctxt : Proto_alpha.Raw_context.t) :
    (fun sim_ctxt
      letP? cycle :=
           (Constants_storage.preserved_cycles ctxt +i 1) in
          cycle (substore sim_ctxt))
  letP? ctxt := Seed_storage.compute_randao ctxt in
  Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt.
  intros H_valid_ctxt.
  Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H_valid_ctxt.
  unfold Seed_storage.compute_randao. cbn.
  (* Cannot use split_letP here becasue I need this 
     the equality generated by this destrut *)

  eapply Error.split_letP; cbn; [solve_cycle_repr_add|].
  do 3 (step; [|hauto l:on]).
  eapply Error.split_letP; cbn.
  { apply Level_storage.levels_with_commitments_in_cycle_is_valid;
      [hauto l:on|].
    apply Cycle_repr.pred_is_valid in Heqo; [easy|].
    destruct H_sim_ctxt, config, level, cycle. lia.
  { intros. eapply Error.split_letP; cbn.
    { with_strategy transparent [Storage.Seed.For_cycle]
      unfold Storage.Seed.For_cycle, Storage.Seed.For_cycle.module,
      Storage.Seed.For_cycle.get; cbn.

(* @TODO *)
[get_seed_computation_status] is valid
[check_vdf_is_valid] is valid
[update_seed] is valid if the context contains a seed for the last preserved cycle and a seed status
[raw_for_cycle] is valid if there is a seed for this cycle in the substore
Lemma raw_for_cycle_is_valid
  (ctxt : Proto_alpha.Raw_context.t)
  (cycle : Cycle_repr.t) :
    (fun sim_ctxt
         (substore sim_ctxt))
  letP? _ :=
    Seed_storage.raw_for_cycle ctxt cycle in
  intros H_valid_ctxt.
  Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H_valid_ctxt.
  unfold Seed_storage.raw_for_cycle.
  with_strategy transparent [Storage.Seed.For_cycle]
    unfold Storage.Seed.For_cycle, Storage.Seed.For_cycle.module,
    Storage.Seed.For_cycle.get; cbn.
  rewrite_db storage_db.
  Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H_valid_ctxt.
  cbn in ×.
  apply Map.mem_find_not_eq_none in H_sim_ctxt_domain.
  now step.

[for_cycle ctxt cycle] has no internal errors if The [ctxt] context is valid. The [cycle] cycle is valid. There is a seed [seed] for the cycle [cycle] in the substore
Lemma for_cycle_is_valid (ctxt : Raw_context.t) (cycle : Cycle_repr.t) :
    (fun sim_ctxt
        (substore sim_ctxt))
    (Raw_context.to_t ctxt)
  Cycle_repr.Valid.t cycle
  letP? _ := Seed_storage.for_cycle (Raw_context.to_t ctxt) cycle in
  intros H_valid_ctxt H_valid_cycle.
  Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H_valid_ctxt.
  unfold Seed_storage.for_cycle; cbn.
  eapply Error.split_letP;
    [step; solve_cycle_repr_add|].
  eapply Error.split_letP.
  { eapply Error.split_letP.
    { apply Cycle_repr.sub_is_valid.
      destruct H_sim_ctxt, config, constants.
      unfold Constants_storage.max_slashing_period. cbn. lia.
    { intros. step; cbn; eauto.
      cbv. split; discriminate.
  { intros.
    eapply Error.split_letP; cbn.
    { unfold error_unless. step.
      { simpl. instantiate (1 := fun _True). reflexivity.
      { easy. }
    { intros.
      now apply Storage.Seed.For_cycle.get_is_valid.