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🦏 Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.v


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Helper tactic to destruct [(Storage_sigs.Indexed_map.Map (Raw_context.of_description_index Sc_rollup_repr.Index)) .(S.find) key map] terms. Without [change b a] Coq will not eliminate the match in the goal
#[local] Ltac destruct_find H :=
    match type of H with
    | match ?a ?key ?map with __ end
        match goal with
        | |- context [match ?b key map with __ end] ⇒
            change b with a in *; destruct a

Finds and destruct the last [Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt] hypothesis
#[local] Ltac destruct_last_ctxt :=
  match goal with
  | H : Raw_context.Valid.t _ |- _
      Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H
  | H : Raw_context.Valid.on _ _ |- _
      Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H

Finish a goal by applying [Raw_context.on_impl_t]
#[local] Ltac by_Raw_context_on_impl_t :=
  match goal with
  | H : Raw_context.Valid.on _ (Raw_context.to_t ?sim_ctxt)
    |- Raw_context.Valid.t (Raw_context.to_t ?sim_ctxt) ⇒
        now apply Raw_context.on_impl_t in H
  | H : Raw_context.Valid.on _ ?ctxt
    |- Raw_context.Valid.t ?ctxt
      Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H;
      now apply Raw_context.on_impl_t in H

Module point.
  Module Valid.
    Import Proto_alpha.Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.point.

Validity predicate for the type [point].
    Record t (x : Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.point) : Prop := {
      commitment : Sc_rollup_commitment_repr.V1.Valid.t x.(commitment);
  End Valid.
End point.

Module conflict_point.
  Module Valid.
Validity predicate for the type [conflict_point].
    Definition t (x : Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.conflict_point)
      : Prop :=
      point.Valid.t (fst x) point.Valid.t (snd x).
  End Valid.
End conflict_point.

The function [initial_timeout] is valid.
Lemma initial_timeout_is_valid ctxt
  (H_ctxt : Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt) :
  Sc_rollup_game_repr.timeout.Valid.t (
    Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.initial_timeout ctxt
  Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H_ctxt.
  split; cbn in *; apply H_sim_ctxt.

The function [update_timeout] is valid.
Lemma update_timeout_is_valid ctxt rollup game idx
  (H_ctxt : Raw_context.Valid.on
    (fun sim_ctxt
         (fun timeoutSc_rollup_game_repr.timeout.Valid.t timeout)
         rollup idx sim_ctxt.(Raw_context.Sc_rollup_Game_timeout))
  (H_game : Sc_rollup_game_repr.V1.Valid.t game)
  (H_idx : Sc_rollup_game_repr.Index.Valid.t idx) :
  letP? ctxt :=
      ctxt rollup game idx in
  Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt.
  Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H_ctxt.
  unfold Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.update_timeout.
  esplit_letP. {
    rewrite Storage_generated.Sc_rollup.Game_timeout.get.
    cbn in ×.
    do 2 (destruct_find H_sim_ctxt_domain; [|contradiction]).
    match type of H_ctxt with
    | Raw_context.Valid.on ?domain _
      instantiate (1 :=
        fun '(ctxt, timeout)
          Raw_context.Valid.on domain ctxt
            Sc_rollup_game_repr.timeout.Valid.t timeout)
    cbn; split; easy.
  intros [? ?] [? ?].
  esplit_letP. {
    (* The size is the difference in the storage size before and after
       the update. The aximatization doesn't take it into account (it receives
       as an argument). *)

    rewrite Storage_generated.Sc_rollup.Game_timeout.update with (size := 0).
    match goal with
    | _ : match ?a with __ end |- _
        match goal with
        | |- context [match ?b with __ end] ⇒
            change a with b in × (* I don't know why I need this *)
    step; [|contradiction].
    match goal with
    | _ : match ?a with __ end |- _destruct a eqn:?; [|contradiction]
    rename_by_type Sc_rollup_game_repr.timeout into timeout.
    rename_by_type (_ = Some timeout) into H_find.
    apply Map.find_mem_eq in H_find.
    unfold Storage_sigs.Indexed_map.Map.
    with_strategy transparent [Map.Make] unfold Map.Make in *; cbn in ×.
    rewrite H_find. cbn.
    instantiate (1 := fun '(ctxt', size)Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt').
    apply (Raw_context.f_preserves_context_trivial_validity
       ltac:(assumption) Raw_context.Sc_rollup_Game_timeout ltac:(auto)).
  intros. step; easy.

The function [get_ongoing_game] is valid.
Lemma get_ongoing_game_is_valid ctxt rollup staker1 staker2
  (ctxt_domain := (fun sim_ctxt
       rollup (Sc_rollup_game_repr.Index.make staker1 staker2)
  (H_ctxt : Raw_context.Valid.on ctxt_domain ctxt) :
  letP? '(answer, ctxt) :=
      ctxt rollup staker1 staker2 in
    (fun '(game, idx)
      Sc_rollup_game_repr.V1.Valid.t game
      Sc_rollup_game_repr.Index.Valid.t idx)
  Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt.
  subst ctxt_domain.
  assert (H_game_is_valid :
      (fun sim_ctxt : Raw_context.t
         (Sc_rollup_game_repr.Index.make staker1 staker2)
         sim_ctxt.(Raw_context.Sc_rollup_Game)) ctxt).
  { Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H_ctxt.
    red. sim_ctxt. split_conj; try easy.
    set (index := Sc_rollup_game_repr.Index.make _ _).
    destruct H_sim_ctxt.
    red in Sc_rollup_Game.
    specialize (Sc_rollup_Game rollup index).
    now apply Raw_context
  unfold Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.get_ongoing_game.
  clear H_ctxt. rename H_game_is_valid into H_ctxt.
  esplit_letP. {
    rewrite Storage_generated.Sc_rollup.Game.find. cbn.
    unshelve instantiate (1 :=
      fun '(ctxt, game)Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt _ game).
    { refine (fun game
          (fun '(game, idx)
             Sc_rollup_game_repr.V1.Valid.t game
               Sc_rollup_game_repr.Index.Valid.t idx)
             (fun game : Sc_rollup_game_repr.V1.t
                  Sc_rollup_game_repr.Index.make staker1 staker2))
    cbn. split; [by_Raw_context_on_impl_t|].
    cbn in ×. unfold Option.bind.
    do 2 (destruct_find H_sim_ctxt_domain; [|contradiction]).
    split; [easy|].
    apply Sc_rollup_game_repr.make_is_valid.
  intros [ctxt' opt_game] [H_valid_ctxt H_opt_game]; cbn.
  now split.

Module game_exists.
A game exists betwwen the player [staker] and its opponent, regarding the address [rollup]
The function [get_ongoing_game_for_staker] is valid.
Lemma get_ongoing_game_for_staker_is_valid ctxt rollup staker
  (H_ctxt :
      (fun sim_ctxtgame_exists.t sim_ctxt rollup staker)
      ctxt) :
  letP? '(answer, ctxt) :=
      ctxt rollup staker in
    (fun '(game, idx)
      Sc_rollup_game_repr.V1.Valid.t game
      Sc_rollup_game_repr.Index.Valid.t idx)
  Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt.
    game_exists.t in ×.
  rewrite_db storage_db. simpl.
  cbn in H_sim_ctxt_domain. unfold Option.bind.
  do 2 (destruct_find H_sim_ctxt_domain; [|contradiction]).
  pose proof get_ongoing_game_is_valid (Raw_context.to_t sim_ctxt)
    rollup staker p as H_game.
  cbn zeta in H_game.
  apply H_game.
  match type of H_ctxt with
  | Raw_context.Valid.on ?domain _set (domain1 := domain)
  match goal with
  | |- Raw_context.Valid.on ?domain _set (domain2 := domain)
  assert (H_impl : domain1 sim_ctxt domain2 sim_ctxt).
  { intros. subst domain1 domain2. simpl in ×.
  now apply (Raw_context.domain_impl_sim_ctxt domain1 domain2

The function [goto_inbox_level] is valid.
Lemma goto_inbox_level_is_valid ctxt rollup inbox_level commit
  (H_ctxt : Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt)
  (H_level : Raw_level_repr.Valid.t inbox_level) :
  letP? '(_, ctxt) :=
      ctxt rollup inbox_level commit in
  Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt.
  Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H_ctxt.
  unfold Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.goto_inbox_level.
  (* Here we have a go closure which iterate over the commits in the

     In pseudocode

       let rec go ctxt commit =
         let (info, ctxt') = read_commitment_from_the_storage
           ctxt commit in
          if info.inbox_level <= inbox_level
            if info.inbox_level = inbox_level
            then return? (commit, ctxt')
            else assert false
            go ctxt' info.predecessor

      It should finish assuming that the precessors level [in the
      storage] are always lesser than the current commit levels, and
      that all levels stop a 0 [genesis]


The function [get_conflict_point] is valid.
Lemma get_conflict_point_is_valid ctxt rollup staker1 staker2
  (H_ctxt : Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt) :
  letP? '(conflict, ctxt) :=
      ctxt rollup staker1 staker2 in
  conflict_point.Valid.t conflict
  Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt.
  unfold Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.get_conflict_point.
  (* Here we have another recursive function that Coq can't
     check for termination *)


The function [get_game] is valid.
Lemma get_game_is_valid ctxt rollup stakers
  (H_ctxt : Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt) :
  letP? '(game, ctxt') :=
    Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.get_game ctxt rollup stakers in
  Sc_rollup_game_repr.V1.Valid.t game
  let ctxt_domain' sim_ctxt :=
      Sc_rollup_game_repr.V1.Valid.t rollup stakers
      sim_ctxt.(Raw_context.Sc_rollup_Game) in
  Raw_context.Valid.on ctxt_domain' ctxt'.
  unfold Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.get_game.
  Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H_ctxt.
  inversion H_sim_ctxt.
  red in Sc_rollup_Game.
  specialize (Sc_rollup_Game rollup stakers).
  rewrite_db storage_db. cbn in ×.
  unfold Option.bind.
  match type of Sc_rollup_Game with
  | match ?a with __ end
      match goal with
      | |- context [match ?b with __ end] ⇒
          change b with a; destruct a eqn:H_find1; cbn in ×
  end; [|reflexivity].
  match type of Sc_rollup_Game with
  | match ?a with __ enddestruct a eqn:H_find2; cbn in ×
  end; [|reflexivity..].
  split; [assumption|].
  unfold Raw_context.Valid.on.
   sim_ctxt. split_conj; [easy|easy|].
  match type of H_find1 with
  | ?a rollup _ = _
      match goal with
      | |- context [match ?b rollup _ with __ end] ⇒
          change b with a; rewrite H_find1
  match type of H_find2 with
  | ?a stakers _ = _
      match goal with
      | |- context [match ?b stakers _ with __ end] ⇒
          change b with a; rewrite H_find2

The function [get_game] preserves all context properties
Lemma get_game_preserves_domain ctxt rollup index domain
  (H_ctxt : Raw_context.Valid.on domain ctxt) :
  letP? '(game, ctxt') := Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.get_game
    ctxt rollup index in
  Raw_context.Valid.on domain ctxt'.
  unfold Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.get_game.
  Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H_ctxt.
  rewrite_db storage_db.
  step; [|easy].
  simpl. scongruence.

The function [start_game] is valid.
Lemma start_game_is_valid ctxt rollup refuter defender
  (ctxt_domain := (fun sim_ctxt
       (fun _True)
  (H_ctxt : Raw_context.Valid.on ctxt_domain ctxt) :
  letP? ctxt :=
      ctxt rollup refuter defender in
  Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt.
  subst ctxt_domain.
  unfold Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.start_game.
  Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H_ctxt.
  rewrite_db storage_db. cbn.
  step; cbn; unfold fail_when; [step; cbn; try reflexivity|];
    do 2 (rewrite_db storage_db; simpl);
    simpl in *;
    step; simpl;
    match type of H_sim_ctxt_domain with
    | match ?a with __ end
        match goal with
        | |- context [let× _ := ?b in _] ⇒
            change b with a; destruct a; simpl; [|contradiction]
    match goal with
    | |- context [let× _ := ?a in _] ⇒
        destruct a; simpl; [|contradiction]
    end; reflexivity.

The function [get_metadata] is valid
Lemma get_metadata_is_valid ctxt rollup :
  Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt
  letP? '(ctxt', metadata) :=
    Sc_rollup_storage.get_metadata ctxt rollup in
  Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt'.
  intros H_ctxt. unfold Sc_rollup_storage.get_metadata,
  Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H_ctxt.
  rewrite_db storage_db. simpl.
  now step.

The function [get_metadata] is read only
Lemma get_metadata_is_ready_only ctxt domain rollup :
  Raw_context.Valid.on domain ctxt
  letP? '(ctxt', metadata) := Sc_rollup_storage.get_metadata ctxt rollup in
  Raw_context.Valid.on domain ctxt'.
  intros H_ctxt.
  unfold Sc_rollup_storage.get_metadata,
  Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H_ctxt.
  rewrite_db storage_db.
  simpl. step; simpl in *; [|reflexivity].

The function [game_move] is valid.
Lemma game_move_is_valid ctxt rollup player_value opponent refutation
  (ctxt_domain := (fun sim_ctxt : Raw_context.t
      (Sc_rollup_game_repr.Index.make player_value opponent)
      rollup (Sc_rollup_game_repr.Index.make player_value opponent)
  (H_ctxt : Raw_context.Valid.on ctxt_domain ctxt)
  (H_refutation :
    Sc_rollup_game_repr.refutation.Valid.t refutation) :
  letP? '(outcome, ctxt) :=
      ctxt rollup player_value opponent refutation in
  Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt.
  subst ctxt_domain.
  assert (H_ctxt' :
      (fun sim_ctxt : Raw_context.t
         (Sc_rollup_game_repr.Index.make player_value opponent)
         (Sc_rollup_game_repr.Index.make player_value opponent)
         sim_ctxt.(Raw_context.Sc_rollup_Game_timeout)) ctxt).
  { Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H_ctxt.
    red. sim_ctxt. split_conj; try easy;
      destruct H_sim_ctxt;
      red in Sc_rollup_Game;
      red in Sc_rollup_Game_timeout;
      set (index := (Sc_rollup_game_repr.Index.make _ _));
      specialize (Sc_rollup_Game rollup index);
      specialize (Sc_rollup_Game_timeout rollup index);
    now apply Raw_context
  } clear H_ctxt. rename H_ctxt' into H_ctxt.
  unfold Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.game_move.
  set (index := Sc_rollup_game_repr.Index.make _ _).
  match type of H_ctxt with
  | Raw_context.Valid.on ?domain _
      pose proof get_game_preserves_domain ctxt rollup index domain
        as H_get_game_presv_domain;
      pose proof get_game_is_valid ctxt rollup index
        as H_get_game_is_valid
  cbn zeta in H_get_game_is_valid.
  match type of H_get_game_is_valid with
  | ?premisse _
      assert (Htmp : premisse)
  end; [by_Raw_context_on_impl_t|].
  specialize (H_get_game_is_valid Htmp). clear Htmp.
  ez destruct (Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.get_game _ _).
  destruct p as [game ctxt'].
  cbn - [Raw_context.Nested_indexed_data_storage.value_exists] in ×.
  unfold fail_unless. step; cbn; [|reflexivity].
  esplit_letP. {
    match type of H_ctxt with
    | Raw_context.Valid.on ?domain' _
        now apply get_metadata_is_ready_only with (domain := domain')
  clear ctxt H_ctxt.
  intros [ctxt metadata] H_ctxt.
  esplit_letP. {
    do 2 step; simpl in *; try reflexivity; remaining_goals 3.
    { esplit_letP. {
        apply Sc_rollup_game_repr.find_choice_is_valid.
      } intros [chunk1 chunk2] H_chunk.
      esplit_letP. {
        apply Sc_rollup_dissection_chunk_repr.default_check_is_valid.
      } intros _ _. simpl.
      now instantiate (1 := fun _True).
    { esplit_letP. {
        apply Sc_rollup_game_repr.find_choice_is_valid.
      } intros [chunk1 chunk2] H_chunk.
      step; easy.
    { step; easy. }
  intros either_game_result P_game_result.
  step; simpl; [now apply Raw_context.on_impl_t in H_ctxt|].
  esplit_letP. {
    Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H_ctxt.
    rewrite Storage_generated.Sc_rollup.Game.update with (size := 0).
    simpl in ×.
    destruct H_sim_ctxt_domain as [H_game H_timeout].
    match type of H_game with
    | match ?a with __ end
        match goal with
        | |- context [match ?b with __ end] ⇒
            change b with a; destruct a; [|contradiction]
    match type of H_game with
    | match ?a with __ enddestruct a eqn:H_domain_eq
    end; [|contradiction].
    apply Map.find_mem_eq in H_domain_eq.
    match type of H_domain_eq with
    | ?a = true
        match goal with
        | |- context [if ?b then _ else _] ⇒
            change b with a; rewrite H_domain_eq; simpl
    instantiate (1 := fun '(ctxt, _)
        (fun sim_ctxt : Raw_context.t
           (fun timeout : Sc_rollup_game_repr.timeout
              Sc_rollup_game_repr.timeout.Valid.t timeout)
           (Sc_rollup_game_repr.Index.make player_value opponent)
    cbn beta zeta.
    match goal with
    | |- let ' _ := ?pair in _
        destruct pair eqn:?
    rename_by_type ((Raw_context.to_t _, _) = (_, _)) into H_pair.
    injection H_pair as Hinj. subst.
    unfold Raw_context.Valid.on.
     sim_ctxt. split_conj; [easy..|].
  clear dependent ctxt.
  intros [ctxt _] H_valid_ctxt.
  esplit_letP. {
    apply update_timeout_is_valid.
    { easy. }
    { easy. }
    { apply Sc_rollup_game_repr.make_is_valid. }

The function [get_timeout] is valid.
Lemma get_timeout_is_valid ctxt rollup stakers
  (H_ctxt : Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt)
  (H_index : Sc_rollup_game_repr.Index.Valid.t stakers) :
  letP? '(timeout, ctxt) :=
    Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.get_timeout ctxt rollup stakers in
  Sc_rollup_game_repr.timeout.Valid.t timeout
  Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt.
  Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H_ctxt.
  destruct H_sim_ctxt.
  red in Sc_rollup_Game_timeout.
  specialize (Sc_rollup_Game_timeout rollup stakers).
  unfold Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.get_timeout.
  rewrite_db storage_db. simpl in ×.
  unfold Option.bind.
  do 2 match goal with
  | |- context [match ?a _ _ with __ end] ⇒
      destruct a; [|reflexivity]
  end. simpl. now split.

The function [timeout] is valid.
Lemma timeout_is_valid ctxt rollup stakers
  (H_ctxt : Raw_context.Valid.on
    (fun sim_ctxt
         rollup stakers sim_ctxt.(Raw_context.Sc_rollup_Game_timeout))
  (H_index : Sc_rollup_game_repr.Index.Valid.t stakers) :
  letP? '(outcome, ctxt) :=
    Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.timeout ctxt rollup stakers in
  Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt.
  Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H_ctxt.
  destruct H_sim_ctxt.
  red in Sc_rollup_Game_timeout.
  specialize (Sc_rollup_Game_timeout rollup stakers).
  unfold Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.timeout.
  unshelve match type of H_ctxt with
  | Raw_context.Valid.on ?domain _
      pose proof get_game_preserves_domain _ rollup stakers
        domain H_ctxt as H_game_presv;
      pose proof get_game_is_valid (Raw_context.to_t sim_ctxt)
        rollup stakers
        ltac:(now apply Raw_context.on_impl_t in H_ctxt)
        as H_game_is_valid
  ez destruct (Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.get_game _ _ _) as [p|].
  destruct p as [game ctxt'].
  clear dependent ctxt.
  rename ctxt' into ctxt.
  assert (H_ctxt' :
      (fun sim_ctxt : Raw_context.t
           rollup stakers
             rollup stakers sim_ctxt.(Raw_context.Sc_rollup_Game))
  { cbn - [
      Raw_context.Nested_indexed_data_storage.key_exists] in ×.
    destruct H_game_is_valid as [H_game_is_valid H_ctxt_game_value_exists].
    unshelve epose proof Raw_context.key_exists_impl_value_exists
      rollup stakers ctxt Sc_rollup_game_repr.timeout.Valid.t
      H_game_presv _
      as H_ctxt_game_timeout_if_exists.
    { Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H_game_presv.
      inversion H_sim_ctxt.
      red in Sc_rollup_Game_timeout0.
      specialize (Sc_rollup_Game_timeout0 rollup stakers).
      unfold Raw_context.Valid.on.
       sim_ctxt0; now split_conj.
    clear H_ctxt.
    pose proof Raw_context.domain_conj H_ctxt_game_timeout_if_exists
      H_ctxt_game_value_exists as H_ctxt.
    clear - H_ctxt.
    cbn - [
      Raw_context.Nested_indexed_data_storage.key_exists] in ×.
  clear H_ctxt. rename H_ctxt' into H_ctxt.
  clear - H_ctxt.
  Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H_ctxt.
  rewrite_db storage_db. simpl.
  destruct H_sim_ctxt_domain as [H_timeout_exists H_game_exists].
  simpl in ×.
  do 2 (destruct_find H_timeout_exists; [|easy]).
  esplit_letP. {
    esplit_letP. {
      destruct game, turn; simpl;
      apply Raw_level_repr.add_is_valid;
        try apply H_timeout_exists;
        destruct t; simpl in *;
        destruct H_timeout_exists; simpl in *; lia.
    intros raw_level H_raw_level.
    unfold fail_unless. unfold Raw_level_repr.op_gt.
    step; cbn; [|easy].
    now instantiate (1 := fun _True).
  intros. simpl.

The function [reward] is valid.
Lemma reward_is_valid ctxt winner
  (H_ctxt : Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt) :
  letP? '(ctxt, updates) := Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.reward ctxt winner in
  Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt
  Receipt_repr.balance_updates.Valid.t updates.
  unfold Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.reward.
  esplit_letP. {
    apply Tez_repr.op_divquestion_is_valid'; [|lia].
    unfold Constants_storage.sc_rollup_stake_amount.
    Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H_ctxt.
    unfold Raw_context.sc_rollup.
    apply H_sim_ctxt.
  intros tez H_tez.
  now apply Token.transfer_is_valid.

The function [apply_game_result] is valid.
Lemma apply_game_result_is_valid ctxt rollup stakers game_result :
  Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt
  letP? '(_, ctxt, updates) :=
      ctxt rollup stakers game_result in
  Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt
  Receipt_repr.balance_updates.Valid.t updates.
  intros H_ctxt.
  unfold Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.apply_game_result.
  pose (P := fun '(ctxt, updates)
    Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt
    Receipt_repr.balance_updates.Valid.t updates).
  esplit_letP. {
    destruct game_result.
    { esplit_letP. {
        step; now apply reward_is_valid.
      } intros [ctxt1 balance_updates'] [H_ctxt1 H_balance_updates1].
      clear H_ctxt.
      Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H_ctxt1.
      rewrite Storage_generated.Sc_rollup.Game.remove with (size := 0).
      step; simpl.
      { esplit_letP. {
          instantiate (1 := P).
          apply Sc_rollup_stake_storage.remove_staker_is_valid.
          apply (Raw_context.f_preserves_context_trivial_validity
            sim_ctxt Raw_context.Sc_rollup_Game ltac:(eauto)).
        { intros [ctxt2 balance_updates2]
            [H_ctxt2 H_balance_updates2]. simpl.
          instantiate (1 := P).
          subst P. simpl. split; [easy|].
          apply Lists.List.Forall_app.
          now split.
      esplit_letP. {
        now apply Sc_rollup_stake_storage.remove_staker_is_valid.
      intros [ctxt3 balance_updates3]
        [H_ctxt3 H_balance_updates3].
      simpl. split; [easy|].
      now apply Lists.List.Forall_app.
    esplit_letP. {
      now apply Sc_rollup_stake_storage.remove_staker_is_valid.
    clear ctxt H_ctxt.
    intros [ctxt balance_updates] [H_ctxt H_balance_updates].
    esplit_letP. {
      now apply Sc_rollup_stake_storage.remove_staker_is_valid.
    intros. step. simpl. split; [easy|].
    now apply Forall_app.
  intros [? ?] [? ?].
  esplit_letP. {
    rewrite Storage_generated.Sc_rollup.Game_timeout.remove
      with (size := 0). simpl.
    instantiate (1 := (fun '(ctxt, _, _)Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt)).
    step; simpl;
      now apply (Raw_context.f_preserves_context_trivial_validity
        sim_ctxt Raw_context.Sc_rollup_Game ltac:(eauto)).
  intros [[? ?] ?] ?.
  esplit_letP. {
    rewrite Storage_generated.Sc_rollup.Opponent.remove
      with (size := 0); simpl.
    instantiate (1 := (fun '(ctxt, _, _)Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt)).
    step; simpl; [|easy].
    now apply (Raw_context.f_preserves_context_trivial_validity
      sim_ctxt Raw_context.Sc_rollup_Game ltac:(eauto)).
  intros [[? ?] ?] ?.
  esplit_letP. {
    rewrite Storage_generated.Sc_rollup.Opponent.remove
      with (size := 0); simpl.
    instantiate (1 := (fun '(ctxt, _, _)Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt)).
    step; simpl; [|easy].
    now apply (Raw_context.f_preserves_context_trivial_validity
      sim_ctxt Raw_context.Sc_rollup_Game ltac:(eauto)).
  intros. do 2 step. simpl. now split.

Module conflict.
  Module Valid.
    Import Proto_alpha.Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.conflict.

Validity predicate for [conflict].
    Record t (x : Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.conflict) : Prop := {
      their_commitment :
        Sc_rollup_commitment_repr.V1.Valid.t x.(their_commitment);
      our_commitment :
        Sc_rollup_commitment_repr.V1.Valid.t x.(our_commitment);
  End Valid.
End conflict.

The encoding [conflict_encoding] is valid.
Lemma conflict_encoding_is_valid :
  Data_encoding.Valid.t conflict.Valid.t
#[global] Hint Resolve conflict_encoding_is_valid : Data_encoding_db.

The function [conflicting_stakers_uncarbonated] is valid.
Lemma conflicting_stakers_uncarbonated_is_valid ctxt rollup staker
  (H_ctxt : Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt) :
  letP? conflicts :=
      ctxt rollup staker in
  List.Forall conflict.Valid.t conflicts.
  unfold Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.conflicting_stakers_uncarbonated.
  esplit_letP. {
    Raw_context.Valid.destruct_rewrite H_ctxt.
    unfold Sc_rollup_refutation_storage.Store.stakers.
    rewrite Storage_generated.Sc_rollup.Stakers.list_key_values.
    instantiate (1 := fun '(ctxt, _)
      Raw_context.Valid.t ctxt); simpl.
    simpl. step; simpl; easy.
  intros [? ?] ?.
  unfold fold_left_es, fold_left_e.
  rewrite List.fold_left_rev_right_eq.
  induction (rev _).
  { constructor. }
  { simpl.
    unfold Error_monad.op_gtgtquestion in ×.
    step; simpl in *; [|easy].
    do 2 step; [|easy].
    do 2 (step; simpl).
    esplit_letP. {
      esplit_letP. {
        now apply Sc_rollup_commitment_storage.get_commitment_unsafe_is_valid.
      intros [? ?] ?.
      esplit_letP. {
        now apply Sc_rollup_commitment_storage.get_commitment_unsafe_is_valid.
      intros [? ?] [? ?].
      instantiate (1 := conflict.Valid.t).
      split; simpl;
    intros conflicts H_conflicts. simpl.
    { eauto. }
    { easy. }