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  • We represent all the integer types with Z, and use modulo to implement bounded integer operations. We show that the bounded integers are in their expected interval in separated proofs.
    • Pros: We use a single type for all of our integers. We avoid conversions between different representations or mixing proofs with the code.
    • Cons: We must show in Coq that an int is in between min_int and max_int even if in OCaml we know, by typing, that this must be the case. In Coq, we forget this information as we convert an int to a Z.
  • There are the following integer OCaml types in the protocol:
    • int (signed 63 bits)
    • int32 (signed 32 bits)
    • int64 (signed 64 bits)
    • Z (signed, unlimited size)
  • In addition, there are the following types implemented using int but represented in the data-encodings:
    • int8 (signed 8 bits)
    • uint8 (unsigned 8 bits)
    • int16 (signed 16 bits)
    • uint16 (unsigned 16 bits)
    • int31 (signed 31 bits)
  • For each of the integer types (except Z.t), there is a validity predicate stating the bounds. These validity predicates are in:
  • To define the integer operations, we use the definition in Z and then bound the result using normalize operators to compute the modulo. These operators are defined in /docs/environment/v7/pervasives
  • For the various functions handling integer types, we show that if the parameters are in the right interval then the result too.
  • We express validity predicate over integers, which are often intervals, using the operators in Prop <= or <.
  • To automate many integer proofs there is the lia tactic. The Lia module is already loaded in our environment so that there is no need to do it.
  • In order for lia to run, we need to unfold all the definitions back to definitions in Z from the standard library of Coq. To help us with that, we have an unfold hint database named tezos_z. So autounfold with tezos_z in * should help for most of the proofs.
  • The tactic simpl also helps to get back to the Z type. For example, we reduce the comparison in int noted >=i using simpl. This yields >=? which is the comparison in Z.
  • The idea is to add to the tezos_z hint database all the definitions which are mostly transparent. There are many transparent definitions. For example, on the Tez type /docs/tez_repr all the comparison operators are simple aliases and are added to the tezos_z database.