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🍃 FallbackArray.v


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Require Import CoqOfOCaml.CoqOfOCaml.
Require Import CoqOfOCaml.Settings.

Require Import TezosOfOCaml.Environment.V8.

Require TezosOfOCaml.Environment.V8.Proofs.List.

Properties of fallback arrays made from lists with optional elements.
Module Of_list.
Behavior of [FallbackArray.length].
  Lemma length_eq {a : Set} (l : list a) :
    let array := FallbackArray.of_list None Some l in
    FallbackArray.length array = List.length l.
    apply List.length_map.

Behavior of [FallbackArray.get].
  Lemma get_eq {a : Set} (l : list a) (index : int) :
    let array := FallbackArray.of_list None Some l in
    FallbackArray.get array index = List.nth l index.
    unfold FallbackArray.of_list, FallbackArray.get.
    generalize index; clear index.
    induction l; simpl in *; hauto lq: on.

Behavior of [FallbackArray.fold].
  Lemma fold_eq {a b : Set} (f : b option a b) (l : list a) (init : b) :
    let array := FallbackArray.of_list None Some l in
    FallbackArray.fold f array init =
      List.fold_left (fun acc itemf acc (Some item)) init l.
    unfold FallbackArray.of_list, FallbackArray.fold.
    generalize init; clear init.
    induction l; simpl in *; hauto lq: on.

Two fallback arrays are equal when their list of elements is.
  Lemma of_list_inj {a : Set} (l1 l2 : list a) :
    let array1 := FallbackArray.of_list None Some l1 in
    let array2 := FallbackArray.of_list None Some l2 in
    array1 = array2 l1 = l2.
    unfold FallbackArray.of_list; simpl; intros H.
    assert (H_Some : Some l1 = Some l2) by hauto lq: on.
    clear H.
    generalize l2 H_Some; clear H_Some l2.
    induction l1; sauto lq: on rew: off.
End Of_list.