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🍃 Compare.v


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Require Import CoqOfOCaml.CoqOfOCaml.
Require Import CoqOfOCaml.Settings.

Require Import TezosOfOCaml.Environment.V8.
Require TezosOfOCaml.Environment.V8.Proofs.Pervasives.

General presentation: 1 - [] mainly defines two modules [COMPARABLE] and [S] and a functor [Make] from [COMPARABLE] to [S]. [COMPARABLE] depends on [t : Set], its signature is [compare : t -> t -> int]. Notice that the output of [compare] lives in [int] [S] also depends on [t : Set] signature of [S] is [op_eq, op_lt, equal : t -> t -> bool , compare : t -> t -> int]. Notice that [compare] still outputs an [int] whereas the other functions (including [equal]) mostly output a [bool] The functore [Make] defines all the field [op_eq, op_lt, equal] and so on from the comparison function [] 2 - Therefore, we start defining validity predicates for equalities of type [t -> t -> bool] and comparison functions (defining preorders) of type [t -> t -> int]. A boolean equality is valid when it captures propositional equality. A preorder is valid when it satisfies the usual axioms of preorders + a congruence axiom regarding the [int] output of [compare]. The canonical projection associated to a preorder is denoted [f] (i.e., [f] is s.t. [f x = f y] iff [x =< y /\ y =< x]. In this file, we mostly have [f = id]. In particular, orders, rather than general preorders, are considered. The validity predicates are parametrized with [domain]s, i.e. functions of type [t -> Prop] (although in this file, [domain] is trivial, i.e., [domain = fun _ => True].) 3 - We apply these validity predicates on equalities and preorders to the types [COMPARABLE] and [S]. In this case, [domain]s are trivial and we consider orders (rather than general preorders). The main validity predicate of this file, [S.Valid.t], specifies that an inhabitant of [S] is valid when:

it is in the image of the functor [Make]

it is built from a valid preorder within the type [COMPARABLE]

The main result of this file, [S.valid_implies_equal_valid], is that any valid [S] specifies a valid equality.

Module Equal.
  Module Valid.
An equality [equal] is valid when it decides the standard equality [=].
    Definition t {a : Set} (domain : a Prop) (equal : a a bool)
      : Prop :=
       x y,
      domain x domain y
      (x = y) (equal x y = true).

An equality function stays valid when restricted to a smaller domain.
    Lemma implies {a : Set} (domain1 domain2 : a Prop) equal :
      ( x, domain2 x domain1 x)
      t domain1 equal
      t domain2 equal.
      unfold t; intros.
      hauto lq: on rew: off.
  End Valid.

Definition of an equality function by projection to another equality function.
  Definition projection {a b : Set} (proj : a b) (equal : b b bool) :
    a a bool :=
    fun x1 x2
    equal (proj x1) (proj x2).

The projection to another equality function is valid.
  Lemma projection_is_valid {a b : Set} (proj : a b) domain equal :
    Valid.t domain equal
    ( x y, proj x = proj y x = y)
    Valid.t (fun xdomain (proj x)) (projection proj equal).
    unfold Valid.t, projection; intros.

Definition of a equality function on a product [a1 * a2] given equality functions on [a1] and [a2].
  Definition couple {a1 a2 : Set}
    (equal1 : a1 a1 bool) (equal2 : a2 a2 bool) :
    (a1 × a2) (a1 × a2) bool :=
    fun '(x1, x2) '(y1, y2)
    equal1 x1 y1 && equal2 x2 y2.

The product equality [couple equal1 equal2] is valid on the product domain when [equal1] and [equal2] are valid. @Question: shouldn't we define the product domain as well?
  Lemma couple_is_valid {a1 a2 : Set}
    domain1 (equal1 : a1 a1 bool)
    domain2 (equal2 : a2 a2 bool) :
    Valid.t domain1 equal1
    Valid.t domain2 equal2
    Valid.t (fun '(x1, x2)domain1 x1 domain2 x2) (couple equal1 equal2).
    unfold Valid.t, couple; intros.
    destruct x, y.
    split; intro.
    { hauto lq: on use: andb_true_intro. }
    { hauto lq: on rew: off use: andb_prop. }

The equality function in [int] is valid.
  Lemma int_is_valid :
    Valid.t (fun _True) Compare.Int.equal.
    unfold Valid.t.
End Equal.

Restricts the set of results to { -1 , 0 , +1 }
Definition wrap_compare {a : Set} (compare : a a int) (x y : a) : int :=
  let res := compare x y in
  match res with
  | 0 ⇒ 0
  | _
    if res >i 0 then

[lexicographic_one] allows inverting (in mock-code) [(x_a,x_b) < (y_a,y_b)] into [x_a < y_a \/ (x_a equiv y_a /\ x_b < y_b)]
Lemma lexicographic_one {a b : Set}
  {compare_a : a a _} {compare_b : b b _}
  {x_a y_a : a} {x_b y_b : b}
  : Compare.lexicographic compare_a compare_b (x_a, x_b) (y_a, y_b) = 1
    compare_a x_a y_a = 1 (compare_a x_a y_a = 0 compare_b x_b y_b = 1).
  destruct (compare_a _ _); tauto.

Definition projection {a b : Set} (proj : a b) (compare : b b int) :
  a a int :=
  fun x1 x2
    compare (proj x1) (proj x2).

Definition of the comparison as a pre-order on an equivalence relation.
Module Valid.
We consider two elements to be equivalent if their images using [f] are the same.
  Record t {a a' : Set}
    {domain : a Prop} {f : a a'} {compare : a a int} : Prop := {
    congruence_left x1 x2 y :
      domain x1 domain x2 domain y
      f x1 = f x2 compare x1 y = compare x2 y;
    image x y :
      domain x domain y
      match compare x y with
      | -1 | 0 | 1 ⇒ True
      | _False
    zero x y :
      domain x domain y
      compare x y = 0 f x = f y;
    sym x y :
      domain x domain y
      compare x y = - compare y x;
    trans x y z :
      domain x domain y domain z
      compare x y = 1
      compare y z = 1
      compare x z = 1;
  Arguments t {_ _}.

  Lemma refl {a a' : Set} {domain} {f : a a'} {compare : a a int}
    (H : t domain f compare) (x : a) :
    domain x compare x x = 0.
    sauto lq: on solve: lia.

  Lemma f_eq {a a' : Set} {domain} {f : a a'} {compare : a a int}
    (H : t domain f compare) (x y : a) :
    domain x domain y
    f x = f y
    compare x y = 0.
    assert (compare x y = compare y y). {
      erewrite H.(congruence_left); sfirstorder.
    erewrite <- refl; hauto lq: on.

  Lemma congruence_right {a a' : Set} {domain} {f : a a'}
    {compare : a a int} :
    t domain f compare
     (x y1 y2 : a),
    domain x domain y1 domain y2
    f y1 = f y2 compare x y1 = compare x y2.
    sauto l: on.

  Lemma image_either {a a' : Set} {domain} {f : a a'}
    {compare : a a int} :
    t domain f compare
     x y,
    domain x domain y
    compare x y = -1 compare x y = 0 compare x y = 1.
    intros H x y H_x H_y.
    pose proof (H.(image) x y H_x H_y).
    hauto q: on.

  Lemma trans_lt {a a' : Set} {domain} {f : a a'}
    {compare : a a int} :
    t domain f compare
     x y z, domain x domain y domain z
    compare x y = -1
    compare y z = -1
    compare x z = -1.
    rewrite (sym H) in *; auto.
    rewrite <- Pos2Z.opp_pos in ×.
    rewrite Z.opp_inj_wd in ×.
    apply (trans H _ y); auto.

  Lemma less_neg1 {a : Set} {compare : a a int} :
    t (fun _True) (fun xx) compare
     k k', compare k k' < 0 compare k k' = -1.
    intros Hv k k' Hkk'.
    destruct (compare k k') eqn:Hc; [lia|lia|].
    pose (Compare.Valid.image Hv k k' I I) as Him.
    rewrite Hc in Him.
    destruct p; tauto.

From a (possible) order function [compare : a -> a -> int], outputs the possible associated equality. @TODO use perhaps [Compare.Make] later, e.g., with [S.equal].
  Definition equal_of_compare {a : Set} (compare : a a int) (x y : a)
    : bool
    := Z.eqb (compare x y) 0.

@TODO spec
  (* Lemma Compare_Valid_id_implies_Equal_valid {a : Set}  {domain compare} :
    (t domain id compare) ->
     Equal.Valid.t domain (equal_of_compare compare). *)

  Lemma compare_valid_id_implies_equal_valid {a domain compare} :
    (@t a a domain id compare)
     @Equal.Valid.t a domain (equal_of_compare compare).
    intros Hcomp.
    unfold equal_of_compare.
    intros x y Hx Hy. constructor ; intro H.
    { subst y.
      assert (H : compare x x = 0) by sauto q: on.
      rewrite H. reflexivity.
    { inversion Hcomp as [cong_left image zero sym trans].
      apply Z.eqb_eq in H.
      apply zero ; assumption.
End Valid.

The field [equal] of the functor [Compare.Make] is just [equal_of_compare] of the underlying [compare] function of a [C : COMPARABLE].
[option] is an endofunctor on comparable type, i.e., from a comparable type + domain, [option] canonically defines a new comparable type + domain.
Lemma option_is_valid {a a' : Set} {domain} {f : a a'}
  {compare : a a int} :
  Valid.t domain f compare
    (fun x
      match x with
      | NoneTrue
      | Some xdomain x
    ( f)
    ( compare).
  constructor; intros; destruct_all (option a); simpl in *; try easy.
  sauto lq: on rew: off.
  all: sfirstorder.

The lexicographic preorder defined from two valid preorder is valid.
Lemma lexicographic_is_valid {a b a' b' : Set}
  {domain_a domain_b}
  {f_a : a a'} {f_b : b b'}
  {compare_a : a a int} {compare_b : b b int} :
  Valid.t domain_a f_a compare_a
  Valid.t domain_b f_b compare_b
  let domain '(x_a, x_b) := domain_a x_a domain_b x_b in
  let f '(x_a, x_b) := (f_a x_a, f_b x_b) in
  Valid.t domain f (Compare.lexicographic compare_a compare_b).
  intros H_a H_b.
  constructor; unfold lexicographic; intros; destruct_all (a × b).
  { erewrite H_a.(Valid.congruence_left);
      try erewrite H_b.(Valid.congruence_left);
      try tauto;
      try congruence.
  { match goal with
    | |- context[compare_a ?x ?y] ⇒
      pose proof (H_a.(Valid.image) a1 a0);
      destruct compare_a eqn:?;
  { sauto lq: on rew: off. }
  { rewrite H_a.(Valid.sym); try rewrite H_b.(Valid.sym); try tauto.
    now destruct compare_a.
  { repeat match goal with
    | [H : match _ with __ end = 1 |- _] ⇒
      let H_zero := fresh "H_zero" in
      let H_one := fresh "H_one" in
      destruct (lexicographic_one H) as [H_one|[H_zero H_one]];
      clear H
    { match goal with
      | x1 : a, x2 : a, x3 : a |- _
        now rewrite (H_a.(Valid.trans) x1 x2 x3)
    { replace (compare_a a2 a0) with 1; trivial.
      match goal with
      | x1 : a, x2 : a, x3 : a |- _
        rewrite (H_a.(Valid.congruence_left) x1 x2 x3)
      end; sfirstorder.
    { replace (compare_a a2 a0) with 1; trivial.
      match goal with
      | x1 : a, x2 : a, x3 : a |- _
        rewrite (Valid.congruence_right H_a x1 x2 x3)
      end; sfirstorder.
    { replace (compare_a a2 a0) with 0.
      { match goal with
        | x1 : b, x2 : b, x3 : b |- _
          rewrite (H_b.(Valid.trans) x1 x2 x3)
        end; sfirstorder.
      { symmetry.
        apply (Valid.f_eq (domain := domain_a) (f := f_a)); try tauto.
        now repeat match goal with
        | x1 : a, x2 : a |- _
          rewrite (H_a.( x1 x2) by tauto

If two comparison functions [compare1] and [compare2] are equal on the same [domain], one is valid iff the other one is.
Lemma equality {a a' : Set}
  {domain : a Prop} (compare1 compare2 : a a int) {f : a a'} :
  ( x y,
    domain x domain y
    compare1 x y = compare2 x y
  Valid.t domain f compare1
  Valid.t domain f compare2.
  intros H_eq H_compare1.
  constructor; intros;
    repeat (rewrite <- H_eq in *; trivial); try now apply H_compare1.
  now apply H_compare1 with (y := y).

Any projection function [f1] can be replaced with an extensionally equal function [f2] without modifyint the associated validity predicate.
Lemma equality_f {a a' : Set}
  {domain} {f1 f2 : a a'} {compare : a a int} :
  Valid.t domain f1 compare
  ( x, f1 x = f2 x)
  Valid.t domain f2 compare.
  constructor; intros.
  sauto lq: on rew: off.
  all: sfirstorder.

Lemma implies {a b1 b2 : Set}
  {domain1 domain2 : a Prop} {f1 : a b1} {f2 : a b2}
  {compare : a a int} :
  Valid.t domain1 f1 compare
  ( x, domain2 x domain1 x)
  ( x1 x2, domain1 x1 domain2 x2
    f1 x1 = f1 x2 f2 x1 = f2 x2)
  Valid.t domain2 f2 compare.
  intros H; intros; constructor; intros;
    try apply H; sfirstorder.

Lemma projection_is_valid {a b c : Set}
  {domain_b} {f_b : b c} {compare_b : b b int} (proj : a b) :
  Valid.t domain_b f_b compare_b
  let domain_a x :=
    domain_b (proj x) in
  let f_a x :=
    f_b (proj x) in
  let compare_a := projection proj compare_b in
  Valid.t domain_a f_a compare_a.
  intros; constructor; sfirstorder.

This lemma allows to cut off the rightmost [None]s from the given tuple of options.
This is helpful for proving the comparison of tuples of options, like [(None, None, Some x, None)] vs [(None, None, Some y, None)]. If right part is cut off, then we can just use [simpl] to continue working with the tuple which equals to the original tuple.
Lemma lexicographic_option_right_neutral {a b : Set}
  (compare1 : a a int) (compare2 : b b int) x y :
  Compare.lexicographic compare1 ( compare2) (x, None) (y, None) =
  compare1 x y.
  hauto lq: on.

Now, we prove that various usual types, as they are defined in `Compare` (i.e. as records), are valid.
[Compare.Unit] is a valid order.
Lemma unit_is_valid :
  Valid.t (fun _True) id Compare.Unit.(
  constructor; intros; try easy.
  now destruct_all unit.

[Compare.Bool] is a valid order.
Lemma bool_is_valid :
  Valid.t (fun _True) id Compare.Bool.(
  constructor; intros;
    now repeat match goal with
    | [b : bool |- _] ⇒ destruct b

[Compare.Z] is a valid order.
Lemma z_is_valid : Valid.t (fun _True) id Compare.Z.(
  constructor; unfold id;
    repeat match goal with
    | [|- (_ : int), _] ⇒ intro
    simpl; unfold;

[Compare.Int] is a valid order.
Lemma int_is_valid :
  Valid.t (fun _True) id Compare.Int.(
  exact z_is_valid.

[Compare.Int32] is a valid order.
Lemma int32_is_valid :
  Valid.t (fun _True) id Compare.Int32.(
  exact z_is_valid.

[Compare.64] is a valid order.
Lemma int64_is_valid :
  Valid.t (fun _True) id Compare.Int64.(
  exact z_is_valid.

[Compare.String] is a valid order. @TODO Prove
Axiom string_is_valid :
  Valid.t (fun _True) id Compare.String.(

Lemma wrap_compare_eq {a : Set}
  {domain} {f : a a} {compare : a a int} :
  Valid.t domain f compare
   x y,
  domain x domain y
  (wrap_compare compare) x y = compare x y.
  unfold id, wrap_compare.
  intros H x y.
  assert (H_image := H.(Valid.image) x y).
  destruct (compare x y);
    try match goal with
    | [p : positive |- _] ⇒ destruct p

Lemma wrap_compare_is_valid {a : Set}
  {domain} {f : a a} {compare : a a int} :
  Valid.t domain f compare
  Valid.t domain f (wrap_compare compare).
  apply (equality compare); trivial.
  now rewrite (wrap_compare_eq (domain := domain) (f := f)).

#[global] Hint Resolve
  : Compare_db.

Ltac valid_auto :=
  (* We try to solve the goal using the hints first *)
  (try now eauto 1 with Compare_db);

  (* If this doesn't help we start by unfolding the definition of the encoding
     we verify *)

  match goal with
  | [|- Valid.t _ _ ?compare] ⇒ try unfold compare
  eapply implies;
  repeat (
      simpl ||
      match goal with
      | [|- Valid.t _ _ (projection _ _)] ⇒ eapply projection_is_valid
      | [|- Valid.t _ _ (_ _)] ⇒
          first [
              eapply option_is_valid |
              eapply lexicographic_is_valid |
              eapply unit_is_valid |
              eapply bool_is_valid |
              eapply z_is_valid |
              eapply int_is_valid |
              eapply int32_is_valid |
              eapply int64_is_valid |
              eapply string_is_valid
      | _solve [eauto 1 with Compare_db]
  trivial; try tauto; try dtauto;
  try (intros []; tauto); try (intros []; dtauto).

  Module Valid.
@TODO spec Note that we use only the *identity* function. Thus, validity pertains to *orders* only (and not *preorders* in general).
    Definition t {t} (C : Compare.COMPARABLE (t := t)) : Prop :=
      Valid.t (fun _True) id C.(
  End Valid.

Module S.
  Definition to_COMPARABLE {t} (C : Compare.S (t := t))
    : Compare.COMPARABLE (t := t)
    := {| := C.(;

  Module Eq.
[Eq.t C1 C2] when [C1] and [C2] can be identified (i.e. have the same fields).
    Record t {t} {C1 C2 : Compare.S (t := t)} : Prop := {
      op_eq x y : C1.(Compare.S.op_eq) x y = C2.(Compare.S.op_eq) x y;
      op_ltgt x y : C1.(Compare.S.op_ltgt) x y = C2.(Compare.S.op_ltgt) x y;
      op_lt x y : C1.(Compare.S.op_lt) x y = C2.(Compare.S.op_lt) x y;
      op_lteq x y : C1.(Compare.S.op_lteq) x y = C2.(Compare.S.op_lteq) x y;
      op_gteq x y : C1.(Compare.S.op_gteq) x y = C2.(Compare.S.op_gteq) x y;
      op_gt x y : C1.(Compare.S.op_gt) x y = C2.(Compare.S.op_gt) x y;
      equal x y : C1.(Compare.S.equal) x y = C2.(Compare.S.equal) x y;
      max x y : C1.(Compare.S.max) x y = C2.(Compare.S.max) x y;
      min x y : C1.(Compare.S.min) x y = C2.(Compare.S.min) x y;
    Arguments t {_}.
  End Eq.

  Module Valid.
Validity predicate for the type [S]. The field compare specifies that the field [compare] of [C] is a valid order. The field [eq] specifies that any [C : Compare.S] should be obtained via the functor [Make], i.e. all the fields of [C] can be computed from its fields [compare]
    Record t {t} {C : Compare.S (t := t)} : Prop := {
      compare : COMPARABLE.Valid.t (to_COMPARABLE C);
      is_Make : Eq.t C (Compare.Make (to_COMPARABLE C));
    Arguments t {_}.
  End Valid.

By default, the domain is trivial.
  Lemma valid_implies_equal_valid {t} {C : Compare.S (t := t)} :
    Valid.t C (Equal.Valid.t (fun _True) C.(Compare.S.equal)).
    intro H.
    destruct H as [Hcomp His_Make].
    destruct His_Make.
    intros x y _ _.
    rewrite equal.
    rewrite <- equal_equal_of_compare_eq.
    (* [to_COMPARABLE] is just reading a record field. *)
    unfold to_COMPARABLE in × ; simpl in ×.
    apply @Valid.compare_valid_id_implies_equal_valid with (fun _True) ; easy.
    (* [COMPARABLE.Valid.t] is just a wrapper of the current goal. *)
End S.

This proof is already in the [Proofs/List.v] module, but we put it there to avoid circular dependencies.
Lemma length_is_valid {a : Set} (l : list a) :
  Pervasives.Int.Valid.t (List.length l).
  induction l; simpl; lia.

Module List_length_with.
The [List_length_with.op_eq] operator is like comparing the length.
  Lemma op_eq_eq {a : Set} (l : list a) (n : int) :
    Pervasives.Int.Valid.t n
    List_length_with.op_eq l n =
    (List.length l =? n).
    generalize n; clear n.
    induction l; simpl; intros; [reflexivity|].
    rewrite IHl by lia.
    pose proof (length_is_valid l).
End List_length_with.

Polymorphic comparison operators

The polymorphic equality is valid.
Axiom polymorphic_eq_is_valid :
   {a : Set},
    Equal.Valid.t (fun _True) (Compare.polymorphic_eq (a := a)).

A useful lemma for tests using the polymorphic equality.
Lemma polymorphic_eq_true : {a : Set} (v1 v2 : a),
  v1 = v2
  polymorphic_eq v1 v2 = true.
  now apply (polymorphic_eq_is_valid (a := a)).

The polymorphic comparison is valid.
Axiom polymorphic_compare_is_valid :
   {a : Set},
  Valid.t (fun _True) id (Compare.polymorphic_compare (a := a)).