🍃 _Set.v
Require Import CoqOfOCaml.CoqOfOCaml.
Require Import CoqOfOCaml.Settings.
Require Import TezosOfOCaml.Environment.V7.
Require TezosOfOCaml.Environment.V7.Proofs.Compare.
Require TezosOfOCaml.Environment.V7.Proofs.Map.
(* @TODO: move these proofs to [Map.v] *)
Section With_Set.
Context {t : Set}
(Ord : Compare.COMPARABLE (t := t))
(S := _Set.Make Ord)
(compare := Ord.(Compare.COMPARABLE.compare))
(eqb := (Compare.Make Ord).(Compare.S.op_eq))
(lt := fun x1 x2 ⇒ (Compare.Make Ord).(Compare.S.op_lt) x1 x2 = true)
(strictly_sorted_list := Sorting.Sorted.Sorted lt).
Axiom mem_fold_right_add_eq : ∀ v l,
strictly_sorted_list l →
S.(_Set.S.mem) v (List.fold_right S.(_Set.S.add) l S.(_Set.S.empty)) =
List.mem eqb v l.
Axiom elements_fold_right_add_eq : ∀ l,
strictly_sorted_list l →
S.(_Set.S.elements) (List.fold_right S.(_Set.S.add) l S.(_Set.S.empty)) =
End With_Set.
Require Import CoqOfOCaml.Settings.
Require Import TezosOfOCaml.Environment.V7.
Require TezosOfOCaml.Environment.V7.Proofs.Compare.
Require TezosOfOCaml.Environment.V7.Proofs.Map.
(* @TODO: move these proofs to [Map.v] *)
Section With_Set.
Context {t : Set}
(Ord : Compare.COMPARABLE (t := t))
(S := _Set.Make Ord)
(compare := Ord.(Compare.COMPARABLE.compare))
(eqb := (Compare.Make Ord).(Compare.S.op_eq))
(lt := fun x1 x2 ⇒ (Compare.Make Ord).(Compare.S.op_lt) x1 x2 = true)
(strictly_sorted_list := Sorting.Sorted.Sorted lt).
Axiom mem_fold_right_add_eq : ∀ v l,
strictly_sorted_list l →
S.(_Set.S.mem) v (List.fold_right S.(_Set.S.add) l S.(_Set.S.empty)) =
List.mem eqb v l.
Axiom elements_fold_right_add_eq : ∀ l,
strictly_sorted_list l →
S.(_Set.S.elements) (List.fold_right S.(_Set.S.add) l S.(_Set.S.empty)) =
End With_Set.