🍃 Micheline.v
Require Import CoqOfOCaml.CoqOfOCaml.
Require Import CoqOfOCaml.Settings.
Require TezosOfOCaml.Environment.Structs.V0.Data_encoding.
Definition annot : Set := list string.
Inductive node (l p : Set) : Set :=
| Int : l → Z.t → node l p
| String : l → string → node l p
| Bytes : l → bytes → node l p
| Prim : l → p → list (node l p) → annot → node l p
| Seq : l → list (node l p) → node l p.
Arguments Int {_ _}.
Arguments String {_ _}.
Arguments Bytes {_ _}.
Arguments Prim {_ _}.
Arguments Seq {_ _}.
Parameter canonical_location : Set.
Parameter dummy_location : canonical_location.
Definition canonical (p : Set) : Set := node canonical_location p.
Definition root_value {p : Set} (n : canonical p) : node canonical_location p :=
Parameter canonical_location_encoding :
Data_encoding.encoding canonical_location.
Parameter canonical_encoding : ∀ {l : Set},
string → Data_encoding.encoding l → Data_encoding.encoding (canonical l).
Definition location {l p : Set} (n : node l p) : l :=
match n with
| Int l _ | String l _ | Bytes l _ | Prim l _ _ _ | Seq l _ ⇒ l
Definition annotations {l p : Set} (n : node l p) : list string :=
match n with
| Int _ _ | String _ _ | Bytes _ _ | Seq _ _ ⇒ []
| Prim _ _ _ annot ⇒ annot
Reserved Notation "'map_strip_locations".
Fixpoint strip_locations {A p : Set} (n : node A p) {struct n} : canonical p :=
match n with
| Micheline.Int _ z ⇒ Micheline.Int dummy_location z
| Micheline.String _ s ⇒ Micheline.String dummy_location s
| Micheline.Bytes _ b ⇒ Micheline.Bytes dummy_location b
| Micheline.Prim _ p ns annot ⇒
Micheline.Prim dummy_location p ('map_strip_locations _ _ ns) annot
| Micheline.Seq _ ns ⇒
Micheline.Seq dummy_location ('map_strip_locations _ _ ns)
where "'map_strip_locations" :=
(fun A p ⇒ fix map_strip_locations (ns : list (node A p)) :=
match ns with
| [] ⇒ []
| n :: ns ⇒ strip_locations n :: map_strip_locations ns
Definition map_strip_locations {A p} := 'map_strip_locations A p.
Require Import CoqOfOCaml.Settings.
Require TezosOfOCaml.Environment.Structs.V0.Data_encoding.
Definition annot : Set := list string.
Inductive node (l p : Set) : Set :=
| Int : l → Z.t → node l p
| String : l → string → node l p
| Bytes : l → bytes → node l p
| Prim : l → p → list (node l p) → annot → node l p
| Seq : l → list (node l p) → node l p.
Arguments Int {_ _}.
Arguments String {_ _}.
Arguments Bytes {_ _}.
Arguments Prim {_ _}.
Arguments Seq {_ _}.
Parameter canonical_location : Set.
Parameter dummy_location : canonical_location.
Definition canonical (p : Set) : Set := node canonical_location p.
Definition root_value {p : Set} (n : canonical p) : node canonical_location p :=
Parameter canonical_location_encoding :
Data_encoding.encoding canonical_location.
Parameter canonical_encoding : ∀ {l : Set},
string → Data_encoding.encoding l → Data_encoding.encoding (canonical l).
Definition location {l p : Set} (n : node l p) : l :=
match n with
| Int l _ | String l _ | Bytes l _ | Prim l _ _ _ | Seq l _ ⇒ l
Definition annotations {l p : Set} (n : node l p) : list string :=
match n with
| Int _ _ | String _ _ | Bytes _ _ | Seq _ _ ⇒ []
| Prim _ _ _ annot ⇒ annot
Reserved Notation "'map_strip_locations".
Fixpoint strip_locations {A p : Set} (n : node A p) {struct n} : canonical p :=
match n with
| Micheline.Int _ z ⇒ Micheline.Int dummy_location z
| Micheline.String _ s ⇒ Micheline.String dummy_location s
| Micheline.Bytes _ b ⇒ Micheline.Bytes dummy_location b
| Micheline.Prim _ p ns annot ⇒
Micheline.Prim dummy_location p ('map_strip_locations _ _ ns) annot
| Micheline.Seq _ ns ⇒
Micheline.Seq dummy_location ('map_strip_locations _ _ ns)
where "'map_strip_locations" :=
(fun A p ⇒ fix map_strip_locations (ns : list (node A p)) :=
match ns with
| [] ⇒ []
| n :: ns ⇒ strip_locations n :: map_strip_locations ns
Definition map_strip_locations {A p} := 'map_strip_locations A p.