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3 posts tagged with "coq-of-ocaml"

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ยท 4 min read
Tait van Strien

Tezos uses the json-data-encoding library throughout the protocol to serialize data for use in RPC, writing to disk or placing in a block. RPC is a synchronous operation. Consequently, it is paramount to verify the correctness of code as well as the logical equivalence and semantics of performance-enhanced procedures to proven ones.

This library has been subject to stack overflows, as seen in issues like this. We will translate and verify this library to validate its logic and simplify debugging these issues.

ยท 7 min read
Guillaume Claret

Verifying the implementation of the interpreter of Michelson smart contracts is of importance because one of the strengths of Tezos is to be able to formally verify the smart contracts. In order to make this verification sound, we need to show that the smart contracts verification framework ๐Ÿฌ Mi-Cho-Coq is coherent with the actual implementation of Michelson. In this blog post, we show how we translated the Michelson interpreter from the OCaml language to Coq. This is the first step to show the coherence of Mi-Cho-Coq with the implementation.

The main file of the interpreter is (around 1,800 lines). The abstract syntax tree of smart contracts is given in script_typed_ir.mli (around 1,600 lines). We translate the OCaml code to Coq using coq-of-ocaml. A difficulty in translating the interpreter is that it heavily relies on GADTs in OCaml, a feature that does not exist in Coq. We show how by adding code annotations and cast axioms we can do this translation.

The generated Coq code for the interpreter is in Script_interpreter.v.

ยท 11 min read
Guillaume Claret

Recently, an important merge request landed in Tezos to implement Tenderbake. This new consensus algorithm offers deterministic finality:

"a block that has just been appended to the chain of some node is known to be final once it has two additional blocks on top of it, regardless of network latency." (Nomadic Labs' blog)

This merge request and other changes resulted in almost 10,000 new Coq lines ๐Ÿ“ in the translated code.

In this blog post, we explain how we dealt with all recent code changes to maintain the Coq translation of the protocol. We use the tool coq-of-ocaml to do our translation. The resulting Coq code is what you can browse on this website. All our changes on the OCaml code are in our fork branch guillaume-claret@proto_alpha-coq-of-ocaml. The procedure to compile the protocol to Coq is in this HOWTO.